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Doctoral programme
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Doctoral Programme in Mathematics in agreement with the University of Verona

Since 2013, an agreement has been active between the University of Trento and the University of Verona. The scholarships for PhD students are supported by the University of Trento, the University of Verona and other external institutions.
Since the 30th cycle, the agreement envisages the achievement of joint degrees for all students enrolled in the programme.
The Doctoral School in Mathematics of the University of Trento was founded in 1989 by the Department of Mathematics, in collaboration with the past Faculty of Sciences. Over the years, other Departments of the University of Trento have joined this collaboration. Currently the School Committee also includes researchers from other Departments.
More than half of our graduates have taken postdoctoral scholarships, have become research fellows, researchers or professors in various Italian or foreign universities, while others have completed the PhD programme to start a career in the world of work.
The Department of Mathematics makes suitable study spaces available in common rooms, assigning computer equipment to each student. The University of Trento offers various facilities for students for food, accommodation and transportation.
Several, very active research groups/Laboratories in Pure and Applied Mathematics belong to the Departments supporting the School, providing students with a wide range of choices for study and research:

  • Analytic and Algebraic Geometry
  • Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory
  • Data Science
  • Dynamical Systems and Control Theory
  • Lie Algebras, Groups, Cryptography and Codes
  • Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science
  • Mathematical Physics and Analytical and Geometrical Methods in Physics
  • Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
  • Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations
  • Representation Theory of Algebras
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Laboratory of Communication, History and Philosophy of Mathematics
  • Laboratory of Didactics and Communications of Mathematics
  • Laboratory of Industrial Mathematics and Cryptography
  • Laboratory of Mathematical and Computational Biology

These groups have connections with several international research groups and foreign Universities where PhD students can spend a part of their PhD programme, generally during the last year of the course.

The Doctoral School's scientific activity is also supported by the "Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per la Matematica" (CIRM), which organizes several International Workshops and Schools and by the local unit of the "Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica F. Severi" (INDAM). The INDAM  supports the Doctoral School with grants for PhD positions as well as with foreign visiting professors lecturing for PhD courses.

The Doctoral School participates in the Transdisciplinary program in Quantum Science and Technologies of the interdipartimental laboratory Q@TN.


Doctoral School in Mathematics

Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (TN) Italy
ph. +39 0461 281701-1625