PhD programmes - Humanities
Doctoral programme
International Studies
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Handbook and Regulations

Three sets of regulations govern the PhD programme:

  • The Ministerial Decree of 8 February 2013, n.45 concerning research doctorates (link to Italian decree:  )
  • The University Regulations for Doctoral Programmes (downloadable from right-hand corner ''PhD general descriptions and regulations'')
  • The Regulations of the PhD Programme in International Studies (downloadable at the bottom of this page)
  • PhD students are recommended to familiarize themselves with these documents, and in particular with the Regulations of the PhD Programme in International Studies.

External Activities

The doctoral programme is considered equivalent to full-time employment. External collaborations will only be authorised if compatible with the doctoral programme regarding subject matter (in line with the student’s research) and time commitment (part-time). The students must consider all classes and other SIS activities as their absolute priority. In this line, doctoral students should recall that they are expected to take on Teaching Assistant or Tutor positions on the MEIS or MISS Masters degrees in their third year of study to gain teaching experience (up to a maximum of 40 hours). In addition, students should also recall that the doctoral course includes time outside the institution (usually one semester) and that the three-year time limit is strictly applied. Any external collaboration request will be considered in line with the above, with particular emphasis on the subject, contract type and tasks proposed.
To be authorised, collaborations must:

  • be confined to a relatively brief period;
  • not take up more than 1 day per week;
  • be compatible with the student’s research both in terms of content and tasks to be carried out (research rather than administration or management);
  • be verifiable on a regular basis; - start after the end of the 1st year of the PhD Programme;
  • a maximum of two collaborations is possible per student.

Attendance, Leave and Sanctions

Academic Engagement:

  • PhD students are required to attend courses and other academic activities organized by the PhD Programme.
  • They should continuously engage in research and study activities.
  • Regular updates on their work must be provided to their supervisor.

Leave of Absence:

During the standard three-year program, PhD students have the right to request a leave of absence, particularly in cases of maternity or documented serious illness. In all other instances, students must obtain written permission from the PhD Programme Committee. If a leave of absence exceeds 30 days, scholarship payments will be temporarily suspended.

Committee Decisions:

The PhD Programme Committee may expel a PhD student based on the following:

  • When the Committee expresses a negative opinion regarding the student’s admission to the next academic year.
  • If a PhD student takes up employment, even on a part-time or independent basis, without the Committee's explicit permission.
  • In cases of prolonged and unjustified absence.
  • Scholarships will be automatically terminated if a student is expelled from the Programme.

PhD Programme in International Studies, School of International Studies

Tommaso Gar, 14 I-38122 Trento, Italy
+39 0461 283105
+39 0461 283152
Regulation SIS PhD
Regulation SIS PhD