Programme's website

Director: prof.ssa Elvira Migliario
Deputy-Director: prof. Pietro Taravacci

Studies in Classic Philology
Philosophical Studies
Linguistics and Literary Studies
Historical Studies
Cultural Heritage Sciences

Educational Aims
The PhD Programme aims at forming scholars trained in critical analysis of historical and cultural phenomena, able to interpret different texts, documents and cultural products and to understand them in the framework of their historical context. PhD students will be provided by this training with the fundamental skills necessary to pursue academic research activities, both in public institutions and in private sectors. Furthermore, they will be able fill top management posts in the fields of communication, publishing, cultural journalism, management of museums, libraries, archives, and think tanks.

More specifically there are five different curricula:

  • Studies in Classic Philology: offers the skills needed for critical analysis of the tradition of Latin and Greek texts.
  • Philosophical Studies: offers the skills needed for critical analysis of philosophical subjects, both in their historical and theoretical dimension, with a strongly interdisciplinary approach.
  • Linguistics and Literary Studies: offers theoretical and methodological skills, both in the field of linguistics and in the field of the study of medieval and modern literary traditions, in a strong comparative perspective.
  • Historical Studies: offers the skills needed for investigating a wide range of historical issues, planning a specific research project, identifying and using historical sources, coming across and using international bibliographies, organizing and representing collected materials, writing a scientific text on a historiographical subject.
  • Cultural Heritage Sciences: offers specialized skills needed for archaeology and for the study of the artistic production in all its forms.

Official language: The PhD Programme's official language is Italian; for the “Studies in Classic Philology” curriculum, French is also considered official language.

Duration: 3 years