Travel information

How to reach Trento

By air+train
The closest airport is the “Valerio Catullo” in Verona. It is about 95 Km away from the city centre of Trento and it is well connected with the Verona Train Station.
For further information about the Valerio Catullo Airport: aeroportoverona

From Verona Airport to Verona Train Station, by Aerobus, timetable and costs: aeroportoverona

From Verona (Train Station) to Trento, by train, timetable and costs: trenitalia

Alternatively, there are two airports in Milano (Linate Airport, Malpensa Airport) and one in Bergamo (Orio al Serio Airport). Each of them has a bus service to connect the airport with the Milan Train Station, from which you can get a train to Trento by Verona.

How to reach Levico

By car
From North, South and West: highway A22 Modena-Brennero, to Trento centro. Go on to Padova-Venezia on 47th Road Valsugana till Levico Terme. From Trento to Levico are ca. 20 km.
From East (Veneto): highway A4 to Verona, than A22 to North, or 47th Road Valsugana, from Bassano del Grappa to Levico Terme.

By train
Valsugana railway from Trento to Bassano del Grappa. Levico Terme is 2 kms far from Trento.

The venue

The ECSR, EQUALSOC and University of Trento Summer School 2013 edition will be held at the Bellavista Relax Hotel in Levico (Trento).

Participants will be hosted from the 1st to the 7th of September 2013 (6 nights in total).