

S. Scherer: Analisi dei dati longitudinali, il Mulino 2013

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Barbieri, Paolo and Giovanna Fullin (2014). Lavoro, istituzioni, diseguaglianze. Il Mulino, Bologna.


Appendici ai capitoli:



Capitolo 9   -  IL CASO ITALIANO NEL QUADRO EUROPEO  [download]


Capitolo 10 -  APPARTENENZA AI CLUSTER  [download]




Barbieri, P. and Bozzon, R. (2016). Labour market deregulation, and households’ poverty risks. An analysis of the risk of entering poverty at childbirth in different European welfare clusters . Journal of European Social Policy, 26(2): 99–123.

Guetto, R., Mancosu, M., Scherer, S., & Torricelli, G. (2016) The Spreading of Cohabitation as a Diffusion Process: Evidence from Italy, in European Journal of Population, 1-26.

Barbieri, P.; Bozzon, R.; Scherer, S.; Grotti, R. & Lugo, M. (2015). The Rise of a Latin Model? Family and Fertility Consequences of Employment Instability in Italy and Spain,  in European Societies, 17 (4), 423-446

Barbieri, Paolo and Cutuli, Giorgio (2015. online first). Employment Protection Legislation, Labor Market Dualism, and Inequality in Europe. European Sociological Review. 

Guetto, R., Luijkx, R., & Scherer, S. (2015). Religiosity, gender attitudes and women’s labour market participation and fertility decisions in Europe , in Acta Sociologica,  58 (2): 155-172.

Barbieri, Paolo, Cutuli, Giorgio and Scherer, Stefani (2014). Giovani e lavoro oggi. Uno sguardo sociologico a una situazione a rischio [Youth and Employment today. A sociological perspective on a risk situation], Sociologia del lavoro, n. 4, p. 73-98. [ABSTRACT]

Grotti, Raffaele and Scherer, Stefani (2014). Accumulation of Employment Instability Among Partners. Evidence from Six EU CountriesEuropean Sociological Review, v. 30, n. 5, p. 627-639. - DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcu062 

Dotti Sani, Giulia Maria (2014): Men’s employment hours and time on domestic chores in European countries. Journal of Family Issues, published online 14.02.2014. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X14522245

Ballarino, Gabriele and Stefani Scherer (2013). More investment-less returns. Changing returns to education in Italy across three decades Stato e Mercato 3: p. 359-386. DOI:10.1425/75010 

Cutuli, Giorgio and Guetto, Raffaele  (2013). Fixed-Term Contracts, Economic Conjuncture, and Training Opportunities: A Comparative Analysis Across European Labour MarketsEuropean Sociological Review, v. 29, n. 3 DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcs011 [ABSTRACT] [DRAFT_pdf]

Guetto, Raffaele and Panichella, Nazareno  (2013). Geographical Mobility and Reproductive Choices of Italian MenEuropean Sociological Review, v.29, n. 2, p. 302-315. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcr068 [ABSTRACT] [DRAFT_pdf]

Barbieri, Paolo, Cutuli, Giorgio and Tosi, Marco (2012). Famiglie, mercato del lavoro e rischi sociali. Nascita di un figlio e rischi di transizione alla povertà tra le famiglie italiane, Stato e Mercato, 3: p. 391-428 [ ABSTRACT] [DRAFT_pdf Italian]

Dotti Sani, Giulia Maria (2012). La divisione del lavoro domestico e delle attività di cura nelle coppie italiane: un'analisi empirica [The division of domestic chores and care activities among Italian couples]. Stato e Mercato, n 1, Aprile 2012, pp. 161-193. [ABSTRACT]



Barbieri, Paolo and Fullin, Giovanna  (2014). Lavoro, istituzioni, diseguaglianze. Il Mulino, Bologna. ISBN 978-88-15-25292-0

Scherer, Stefani (2013), Analisi dei dati longitudinali, Il Mulino, Bologna. ISBN 978-88-15-24578-6 

Cutuli, Giorgio (2012). Se scade costa meno?  Rischi e opportunità della flessibilità in Italia. Conseguenze economiche e occupazionali delle forme di lavoro temporaneo . [Does it cost less if it expires? Risks and opportunities of labour market flexibility in Italy], Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN 978-88-204-0024-8 [ ABSTRACT]



Barbieri, Paolo, Giorgio Cutuli, Michele Lugo and Stefani Scherer (2014). Italy: A Segmented Labor with Stratified Adult Learning in: Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, Kilpi-Jakonen, Elina, Vono de Vilhena, Daniela and Buchholz, Sandra (eds). Adult Learning in Modern Societies: An International Comparison from a Life-Course Perspective, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publications.

Scherer, Stefani (2014). Social Consequences of Insecure Employment, in: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, New York, Heidelberg: Springer, p. 6031-6035. ISBN: 9789400707528.

Scherer, Stefani (2014).  Employment Insecurity, in: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, New York, Heidelberg: Springer , p. 1888-1891. - ISBN: 9789400707528. - DOI: 10.10077978-94-007-0753-5

Cutuli, Giorgio and Scherer, Stefani (2014). La (non) partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro, in: Barbieri, Paolo and Fullin, Giovanna (a cura di). Lavoro, istituzioni, disugaglianze. Sociologia comparata del mercato del lavoro, Bologna: Società Editrice Il Mulino, 2014, p. 145-164. ISBN: 9788815252920 [ABSTRACT]

Barbieri, Paolo  and Cutuli, Giorgio (2014). Flessibilità ai margini, segmentazione dei mercati del lavoro e disoccupazione in Europa, in:  Barbieri, Paolo and Fullin, Giovanna (a cura di). Lavoro, istituzioni, disugaglianze. Sociologia comparata del mercato del lavoro, Bologna: Società Editrice Il Mulino, p. 71-96. ISBN: 9788815252920

Scherer, Stefani (2013). Bildungserträge im Arbeitsmarkt – das Beispiel Italiens,  in: Becker, Rolf, Bühler, Patrick and Bühler, Thomas. Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit. Bern: Haupt, p. 141-161 ISBN: 9783258078236

BarbieriPaolo and  Scherer, Stefani (2012). School Discipline, Performance and the Presence of Immigrants in Italian Schools,  in Improving Learning Environments, Stanford, California, US: Stanford University Press, p. 137 -162. ISBN: 9780804778039

Ballarino, Gabriele and Barbieri, Paolo (2012). Diseguaglianze nelle carriere lavorative [Inequalities in working careers]. In: Checchi, Daniele (ed),  Disuguaglianze diverse. Il Mulino, studi e ricerche, Bologna, pp.79-98 - ISBN: 978-88-15-23749-1

Barbieri, Paolo (2011). Italy: no country for young men (and women). In: Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, Buchholz, Sandra, Hofaecker, Dirk and Kolb, Kathrin (eds). Globalized labour markets and social Inequality in Europe. Houndmills & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 108-146.  ISBN: 978-0-230-24199-2

Cutuli, Giorgio (2011). Meglio un lavoro a termine che nessun lavoro? Conseguenze occupazionali, ad un anno, di disoccupazione e contratto a tempo determinato [Better unemployed or FTC? Mid-term occupational consequences of unemployment and temporary contract]. In:  La ricerca sociologica ed i temi del lavoro. Giovani ricercatori italiani a confronto. A cura di: Michele la Rosa. Franco Angeli, Milano (2012) ISBN 978-88-568-4531-0  [ABSTRACT]



Guetto Raffaele (defense: December 2012). Structural and Cultural Determinants of Fertility and Female Labour Market Participation in Italy and Europe. Supervisor: prof. Stefani Scherer. Co-Supervison: prof. Ruud Luijkx. Doctoral School in Social Science - University of Trento. [PDF_DOWNLOAD] [SUMMARY_DOWNLOAD The thesis has been awarded as the "best doctoral thesis in Sociology 2001-2012".

Giulia Maria Dotti Sani (defense: April 2013).  Presence of children and inequality in the household: employment, housework and earnings in European heterosexual couples. Supervisor: prof Paolo Barbieri.

Lugo, Michele (waiting for defense). In assenza di politiche familiari: l’influenza della famiglia sul lavoro di uomini e donne in un confronto fra Italia e Stati Uniti. Supervisor: prof. Paolo Barbieri.



Cutuli, Giorgio (2011). Pagare le tasse in Veneto [Paying taxes in Veneto], Paper n. 68 , (2011), Ires Veneto. [DOWNLOAD_ITALIAN]



Barbieri, Paolo, Raimondi,  Erica and Scherer, Stefani (2013). La terza forma a priori della rappresentazione. L’inferenza causale nelle scienze sociali e la congiunzione spazio-temporale come fine ultimo della scienza sociale, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Sociologica e Ricerca Sociale, Trento: Università di trento, 2013, p. 1-58. ISBN: 1828955000.



SEMINARS (invitations)

2014 (Nov. 26): Joint European Commission/OECD Seminar on Job Quality, Labour Market Performance and Well-Being. “Atypical employment and welfare regimes. Assessing labour market security through the lens of labour market segmentation. A sociological insight”. Brussels. (Barbieri, P.)

2014 (March 10): European University Institute. Seminar. “Employment Protection Legislation, Labor Market Dualism and Inequality in Europe”. (Barbieri, P.)

2012 (May.): Demosoc Seminar, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

  • “Social Consequences of Changing Work-Family Equilibria” (Scherer, S.);
  • “Families and poverty risks. An analysis of poverty entry around childbirth in different EU welfare arrangements” (Barbieri, P.).

2012 (April): Dondena Seminar, Bocconi University, Milan,

  • “Risk accumulation and increasing inequality? The role of the family as inequality generating institution in different institutional assets” (Scherer, S.).

2011 (July): NEPS Seminar, Bamberg University.

  • “Does Precariousness come in couples? Evidence from six EU countries”(Scherer, S.);
  • “Flexible employment and the welfare state” (Barbieri, P.).


2013 (Nov.): EduLIFE Workshop, European University Institute.

“Gender, Education and First Job in Italy” (Cutuli, G., Lugo, M.).

(May): EduLIFE Workshop, European University Institute.

“Education and First Job in Italy” (Cutuli, G.).

(Jan.): Brown Bag Seminar.“EPL, Labour market dualism and inequality in Europe” (Barbieri, P., Cutuli, G.).

ECSR, EQUALSOC & University of Trento Joint Summer School 2013 Edition. Levico (TN), 2-6 September  

  • Cutuli, G.: Introduction to Panel models

EduLIFE workshop, European University Institute (October 2012), - Cutuli, G., Barbieri, P., Lugo,M.: Lifelong learning regimes, labor market outcomes and social inequalities in modern societies.

ECSR, EQUALSOC & University of Trento Joint Summer School 2012 Edition. Trento, 3-7 September  
  • Scherer, S.: Economic Inequality and the Family.
  • Barbieri, P.: Welfare States and Life Course Inequality.
  • Cutuli, G.: Introduction to Panel models

Strategic approaches to demographic change in Russia, Eastern Europe and Oecd Countries OECD LEED Trento Centre for Local Development, (Trento, 3-4 July 2012) - Bozzon, R. and Guetto, R.: Fertility and work-family reconciliation in Italy.

EduLIFE workshop, University of Bamberg (March 2012)  - Cutuli, G and Lugo M.: Lifelong learning regimes, labor market outcomes and social inequalities in modern societies

Population, Society and Inequality talks, University of California, Irvine (2012) - Dotti Sani G.: Do it both, but how? Maternal Employment in four European countries.

FamIne Workshop “Changing work-family equilibria” Trento, 13-14 October 2011: 
  • Barbieri, P., Bozzon, R.: Family formation and poverty risks in (3) EU countries.
  • Dotti Sani, G.M., Scherer, S.: Do it both - but how? Combining work and family in Europe ”.
  • Guetto, R, Luijkx, R., Scherer, S.: Family values and low fertility in Europe.

Department Seminar (2011) - Cutuli, G. Guetto R.: Fixed-Term Contracts, Economic Conjuncture, and Training Opportunities: A Comparative Analysis Across European Labour Markets.

Brown Bag Seminar (2010) - Guetto, R., Panichella N.: Geographic mobility and reproductive choices of Italian Men.



2014 (Oct.): INED Divorce Conference. Talk: “Consequences of union dissolution on employment career in Italy and in the United States” (Barbieri, P., Lugo, M.)

2014 (Sept.): ECSR Conference, Berlin, Germany, “Social Inequalities in Europe - On the Rise Again?”. Talks:

  • “Income dynamics, economic inequality and the household” (Grotti, R., Scherer, S.);
  • “Economic crisis, welfare-labour market assets and unemployment in Europe” (Barbieri, P., Cutuli, G.).

2014 (May.): ISA-RC28 Spring Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, “Old and new social divides: social stratification research in the 21 st century”. Talks:

  • “Do it both but how? Maternal employment in Europe” (Dotti Sani, G., Scherer, S.);
  • “Education and Fertility: the mediating role of public childcare services” (Guetto, R.; Scherer, S.);
  • “Economic Inequality and the Role of the Family” (Grotti, R., Scherer, S.);
  • “Economic crisis, welfare-labour market assets and unemployment in Europe” (Barbieri, P., Cutuli, G.).

Comparing families: does international perspective help?, Warsaw 17-18 December, 2013

  • Guetto, G., Scherer, S.,: Cultural and structural determinants of female labour market participation and fertility in Europe: the role of public childcare services 

1st EUREGIO RESEARCH COOPERATION DAY, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 24-25 Octrober 2013

  • Stefani Scherer: Research on Social Inequalities

ECSR Conference 2013: Developments in Social Inequality and Social Cohesion, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands, 14-16 October, 2013

  • Guetto, R., Scherer, S.,: Cultural and structural determinants of female labour market participation and fertility in Europe: the role of public childcare services
  • Barbieri, B., Cutuli, G.,: Economic crisis, welfare-labour market assets and unemployment in Europe
  • Grotti, R., Scherer, S.,: Economic inequality and the role of the family 
  • Guetto, R., Azzolini D.,: And they all lived happily ever after. Evidence for status-exchange among mixed-nativity couples in Italy 

Sesta Conferenza ESPAnet Italia - Italia, Europa. Integrazione sociale e integrazione politica - Università della Calabria, 19-21 Settembre 2013

  • Barbieri, P., Bozzon, R.: Family changes and poverty risks. An analysis of poverty around childbirth in different EU welfare arrangements

20th International Conference of Europeanists: Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability Council for European Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - June 25-27, 2013

  • Barbieri, P., Cutuli G.: Employment regimes, labour market dualism and inequality in Europe

ECONOMIC CRISES, SOCIAL INEQUALITIES AND SOCIAL POLICIES - Spring 2013 Meeting of the ISA RC28 - Trento, May 16-18, 2013

  • Barbieri, P., Bozzon, R.: Family changes and poverty risks. An analysis of poverty around childbirth in different EU welfare arrangements
  • Barbieri, P., Cutuli G.: EPL, labour market dualism and inequality in Europe
  • Lugo M.: Consequences of union dissolution on employment career in Italy and in the United States 
ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm University, Sweden, September 24-26, 2012 :
  • Barbieri, P., Bozzon, R.: Family and social risks. An analysis of poverty around childbirth in different EU welfare arrangements. 
  • Barbieri, P.,  Cutuli G.: Employment regimes, Labour market dualism and inequality in Europe
  • Dotti Sani, G. M.: The division of domestic chores among European couples .
  • Guetto, R., Luijkx, R., Scherer, S.: Family values and low fertility in Europe .

International Association Time Use Research, 34th conference, Matsue, Japan, 21-24 August 2012 - Dotti Sani, G. M. and Treas J.:  Changes in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Time in Child Care and Housework in Western Countries 

SGBF Kongress: Educational Inequality and Justice: Scientific and Social Challenges, Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July, 2012 Invited plenary lecure - Scherer, S.:  Più investimenti – Meno Ritorni? Espansione educativa e accesso all’occupazione in Italia. Publication in preparation. 

AIS-EDU Conference in Trento, Itlay, 16-17 March. 2012- Barbieri, P., Scherer, S., Carrossa, S.: Effectively Maintained Inequality in Italy. 

ECSR 20th Anniversary Conference: European Society or Societies? A 20-Year Perspective” University College, Dublin, Ireland, 14-17 December, 2011 

  • Plenary lecture - Scherer, S.: Economic and Social Consequence of Changing Work-Family Equilibria. 
  • Barbieri, P, Bozzon, R.: Family and social risks. An analysis of poverty and deprivation around childbirth in different EU welfare arrangements.     
  • Dotti Sani, G, Scherer, S.: Do it both, but how? Maternal employment in Europe.

EUROFRAME Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, June 2011 - Cutuli, G.: Fixed term contract, economic conjuncture and training opportunities. 

CreAM joint conference “Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge”, London, GB, 6 – 9/04/2011 - Guetto, R. (with Panichella N.): Geographical mobility and reproductive choices of Italian men.





Published as articles



Forthcoming, submitted or under review


Work in progress

Previous publications by team members on related topics (incomplete section)

Papers and Working Papers

Barbieri, P., G.Cutuli, (2010):  “A uguale lavoro, paghe diverse; Differenziali salariali e lavoro a termine nel mercato del lavoro italiano”, Stato e Mercato, 4(2010).

Cutuli, G. (2008): “Lavoro a tipico e salari, una discriminazione nascosta nel mercato del lavoro italiano”,  POLIS, 3(2008).

Barbieri, P. Carrossa, S. (2009) “Short notes on data quality and cross-national comparability in income measures using EU-SILC cross-sectional and panel data”, Working Paper presented at the EQUALSOC seminar held at the ESRI on the 26/27 of March. Downloadable.

Barbieri, P., S. Scherer (2009): Labour Markte Flexibilisation and its Consequences in Italy. European Sociological Review 25(6): 677-692.

Scherer, S. (2009): The Social Consequences of Insecure Jobs. Social Indicators Research. 93(3): 527 – 547.

Bozzon R. (2008): Modelli di partecipazione delle donne al mercato del lavoro. Un’applicazione dell’analisi delle sequenze alle storie lavorative femminili, Stato e Mercato, 2.

Scherer, S., E. Reyneri (2008): Come è cresciuta l’occupazione femminile in Italia: fattori strutturali e culturali a confronto.  Stato e Mercato, 84, agosto: 183-213. 

Barbieri, P., S. Scherer (2007): Vite Svendute. Uno sguardo analitico alla costruzione sociale delle prossime generazioni di outsider". Polis: ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia, 2007, n. 3: 431-460

Barbieri, P., S. Scherer (2005): Le conseguenze sociali della flessibilizzazione del mercato del lavoro in Italia. In: Stato e Mercato, 74, 2: 291-321.

Bozzon R., Degasperi M., Marzadro S. e Podestà F. (2005): Consistenza e composizione sociale degli indigenti. Effetti della variazione delle soglie di povertà monetaria e dell’ambito territoriale, POLIS, 3.

Scherer, S. (2005): Patterns of Labour Market Entry. In: European Sociological Review, 21(5): 427-440

Scherer, S. (2004): Stepping-stones or Traps? The Consequences of Labour Market Entry Position for the Further Career Chances in Germany, Italy and Great Britain. Work Employment and Society, 18(2): 369-394.

Books and Book Chapters

Barbieri P., Bozzon R., Scherer S (forthcoming), Italy, in Paolo Barbieri (ed.), "Flexible Employment and the Welfare State in Europe", Edward Elgar.

Barbieri, P., S. Scherer (2011) Retirement in Italy. Rising social inequalities across generations. In: Blossfeld H.-P., Buchholz S and Kurz K. (Eds), Ageing Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies. Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar.

Scherer, S. , N. Steiber (2007) Family and Work in Conflict? Evidence from Six European Countries. In: Gallie, Duncan (Ed.): Employment Regimes  and the Quality of Work. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 137- 178. 

Bozzon, R., Degasperi, M., Marzadro, S. e Podestà, F. (2007), “Povertà e deprivazione in Trentino”, in Brandolini A. e Saraceno C. (ed.), "Povertà e benessere. Una geografia delle disuguaglianze in Italia", Bologna, Il Mulino.

Policy Paper (Equalsoc): Atypical Employment and Welfare Regimes

* financial support by the network of excellence Equalsoc (, funded under the 6 FP, is greatfully acknowledged.