Fees and Payments


Summer School fees are € 800 (VAT included). This comprises tuition, meals and accommodation. However, travel costs are not covered (nor are costs of journeys from Innsbruck to Trento and back, and internal travel in the two cities).
Ten scholarships are available (reducing the fee to € 400). Those seeking such scholarships must make a specific request on the application form. Decisions as regards the award of scholarships will be made on the basis of merits and personal estates by the Scientific Committee.
Fees for participants who are in need of accommodation for only one of the two weeks (i.e. students of Trento and Innsbruck universities) are fixed at € 550.
Following the notification of admitted candidates, fees must be paid on or before 30th June 2008.


Payments have to be made into the bank account of Trento University:
Università di Trento
Banca di Trento e Bolzano (BTB)
Sede di Trento, Via Mantova 19, 38100 Trento (Italy)
Account n° 10000496
Italian national codes: CIN H   ABI 03240    CAB 01801
International IBAN codes: IT92 H032 4001 8010  0001 0000 496
Swift: BATBIT2TB01

IMPORTANT: the bank transfer must be net of all bank charges and must specify the name of participant and the subject “Fees- JMSS 2008”. A copy of the bank transfer order should be mailed/faxed to: Jean Monnet European Centre (see reference below).