The BIOtech unites and connects multidisciplinary skills on biomedical technologies of various Departments of the University of Trento. The centre promotes and coordinates research project in the fields of biomedicine and technologies for health services, building a transfer bridge between base research and clinical applications. The research activities are carried out on the basis of sound cooperation networks with research institutes, industries and clinical institutions, at national and international levels, with an abundant scientific literature production and the transfer of the results of the clinical-diagnostic procedures in technological innovation. The laboratories located in Mattarello employ 20 researchers (seniors, Fellows, PhD) of various nationalities.
The Centre is focused onto two main research areas: “Regenerative medicine” and “Technological innovation for health (IT4H)”, which integrate the knowledge and skills of the original Departments (Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies and the Department of Physics) with advanced competences in the field of tissue engineering, drug delivery, biomedical imaging, planning and characterization of materials for biomedical applications.
The laboratory of Tissue Engineering, Cells and Tissues Dynamics works on the development of materials and structures to repair and regenerate the damaged tissues, to reduce the need of permanent prosthesis. The laboratory is renowned at international level and it is a peripheral premise of the European Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.
The IT4H laboratory operates at the center of a research network made up of companies, institutions and healthcare facilities for the development of patient-centered integrated technologies for the advancement of citizens' health. The laboratory supports healthcare innovation through the development of advanced technologies, the optimization of integrated care processes, the assessment of healthcare technologies and the promotion of evidence-based medical practice