University Centre for Advanced Studies on Hydrogeological Risk in Mountain Areas
Line 5 - Information Technologies for the Hydrogeological Defence of the Mountain Environment
Responsable Francesco De Natale

Aims and goals

The present line of research, in synergy with the other lines of research of the Centre, has as its objectives the development and coordination of multidisciplinary research work for an efficient use of information technologies in support of environmental safety actions and for the recovery and management of environmental resources.La presente linea di ricerca ha come obiettivo, in sinergia con le altre linee di ricerca del centro stesso, lo sviluppo ed il coordinamento delle ricerche multidisciplinari per un efficiente utilizzo delle tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle azioni per la sicurezza ambientale e per il risanamento e la gestione delle risorse ambientali.

Statement of reasons

The reasons for establishing this line of research are many, however, the following must be listed for their importance:

  1. coordination of the various information technologies research projects and ventures for the monitoring and prevention of environmental risks;
  2. scientific and methodological support for those public bodies in charge of safeguarding and monitoring the environment by supplying an ad hoc multidisciplinary approach to the specific problems of the mountain environment;
  3. promotion and facilitation of technology transfer to public bodies and enterprises working in the monitoring and environmental safety fields;
  4. interaction with other research centres, both public and private, and on a national and international level, applying information technologies in the field of environmental impact and safety;
  5. promotion of didactic activities in ICT sectors for environmental evaluation, monitoring, and safety. 

Main research themes

The main activities developed within this line of research are ascribable, but not limited, to the following sectors:

Monitoring and Remote Sensing

Development and use of non-supervised and automatic monitoring methods for the mountain environment, referable to different sensor types (optical, microwave, infrared, etc.) with different spatial locations (satellite, aircraft, drone, surface probe, subsurface probe);

Sensing systems

Research and development of sensors for the analysis, evaluation and/or forecasting of environmental situations; ICT methodologies for environmental management; development/use of image processing and, more in general, signal (from the sensor) processing techniques for the analysis of the information about the state of the mountain environment;

Ad hoc Networks

Research and development of cross-layer methodologies (from the physical level to the applicative one) for the management of environmental risk and situations that may arise after natural disasters.