PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
Biomolecular Sciences
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Teaching program

Before the beginning of the academic year, the Doctoral Committee approves the Teaching Program (Manifesto of Studies).

The courses are at an advanced level and related to the Doctorate’s specific research areas.

Each doctorate student attends a timely training course which includes, besides the research performed under the supervision of the tutor and advisor in accordance with the respective competencies, advanced courses of basic knowledge and specialization courses in Biomolecular Sciences and Technology at the University of Trento.

Each student is required to obtain a total number of 60 ECTS credits per year (educational and research credits) for a total of 180 credits split as follows:

  • 20-40 ECTS for educational activities with final evaluation.
  • 160-140 ECTS for research activities.

The Educational and Research ECTS credits recognition process are specified on the Manifesto of Studies annually.

Regarding the Educational Credits:

  • Credits for the institutional courses are specified in the annual Manifesto of Studies and have value in the year in which the course is attended.
  • For the recognition of the credits obtained from courses organized by a) doctorate programs, b) research institutes, or c) Universities (Master Degree) approval of the Doctoral Committee or the Executive Committee will be needed.
  • It is mandatory to obtain from 10 to 20 educational ECTS within the first year of the Doctorate.


The 3rd year doctoral students focus predominantly on their research and the fulfillment of the Doctorate thesis.
The thesis must be written in English language and must be original. 


See the available courses in the Manifesto of Studies (box download).

The Manifesto of Studies for the academic year 2023/2024 will be available shortly. In general it will be very similar to the Manifesto of the previous academic year 2022/2023.


Doctoral Programme in Biomolecular Sciences

Via Sommarive, 9 I - 38123 Povo - Trento Italy
+39 0461 28 3995
application/pdfManifesto of Studies_23-24(PDF | 533 KB)
application/pdfSB_Manifesto of Studies_2022-23(PDF | 515 KB)
application/pdfSB_Manifesto of Studies_2021 22(PDF | 284 KB)
application/pdfSB_Manifesto of Studies_2020 21(PDF | 232 KB)
application/pdfSB_Manifesto of Studies_2019/20(PDF | 306 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies_2018-2019(PDF | 292 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2017-2018(PDF | 364 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2016-2017(PDF | 97 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2015-2016(PDF | 74 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2014-2015(PDF | 63 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2014(PDF | 64 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2013(PDF | 59 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2012(PDF | 56 KB)
application/pdfManifesto of Studies 2010-2011(PDF | 43 KB)