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Home > Research to business: a technology transfer approach

Research to business: a technology transfer approach

Organized by HIT - Hub Innovazione Trentino - Fondazione

Lecturers: Milena Bigatto (HIT) & others

Timetable: 12-16 April 2021 

Programme: see the attachment

General Objectives: 

This seminar aims to provide PhD students with the fundamental concepts for helping PhD create impact from their research.
In particular Students will be drive to think about the value of their research work in the market.
They will explore mega-trends and markets and how to leverage the potential of innovation inside the research. They will investigate with experts the concepts of value proposition and customer, legacies and opportunities related to the IP strategies and protection. Public and private financing strategies and opportunities will be presented.

Main Learning Outcomes: 

Understanding differences when planning and developing a new entre/intra-preneurial project in different contexts
Ability to understand, create, capture value of the research project in a market
Ability to integrate the strategic role of IP and other intangible assets in to the research project and future professional scenarios.

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Teaching and learning methods are primarily based on applied lectures, testimonials and real case studies from researchers, entrepreneurs, local and/or international business managers. They combine lectures, testimonials from professionals, discussions, individual and group work, hands-on activities and games.Participants will be evaluated with group exercise, and individual reports. Attendance is mandatory at least 75% of the meetings.

Credits: 3 - attendance to at least 75% of the course is mandatory; Evaluation procedure: team works and oral tests within classes hours.



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