PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
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Home > Services > Internationalization


The Doctoral School in Mathematics is committed to develop its activities within an international framework.  Our Doctoral students are strongly encouraged to spend study and research periods abroad, and are financially supported for that by the Dept. of Mathematics. The Dept. of Mathematics research groups have several connections with foreign and Italian universities. Here you can read a partial list:

In recent years, such a commitment has produced

  • several cooperations with non-Italian universities and research centers;
  • presence of foreign researchers in the School Committee;
  • presence of visiting professors;
  • presence of foreign Doctoral students;
  • courses held in English;
  • "co-tutelle de thèse" programmes.

Doctoral School in Mathematics

Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo (TN) Italy
ph. +39 0461 281701-1625