PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Home > Emanuelli Lorena
Home > Emanuelli Lorena

Emanuelli Lorena


Tutors:  Prof. Alberto Molinari, Prof. Massimo Pellizzari


Title of thesis: 

Study of the properties of cemented carbides from industrial production.


Abstract of the thesis: (click here)


External referees:

  • Prof. Christian Gierl-Mayer, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Technical University of Wien, Austria.

  • Dott. Luis Miguel Llanes Pitarch, Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, Universidad Politecnica de Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.


Commitee of final defence:

  • Prof. Ilaria Cristofolini, Department of Industrial Engineering,  University of Trento, Italy.

  • Dott. Luis Miguel Llanes Pitarch, Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, Universidad Politecnica de Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Prof. Christian Gierl-Mayer, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Technical University of Wien, Austria.


Date of thesis defence:

  • October 25, 2018