Maule Luca
Tutors: Prof. Mariolino De Cecco, Prof. Paolo Bosetti
Title of thesis:
Eye controlled semi-Robotic Wheelchair for quadriplegic users embedding Mixed Reality tools.
Abstract of the thesis: (click here)
External referee:
Dott. Luca Baglivo, Aidro Hydraulics, Taino, Varese, Italy.
Dott. Matteo Lancini, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy.
Committee of final defence:
Dott. Alberto Fornaser, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.
Dott. Matteo Lancini, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy.
Prof. Luca Faes, Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy.
Date of thesis defence:
June 28, 2019