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I dottorandi del mese

Ottobre 2023

Erica Alfinelli (36° ciclo)

"Hi everyone!
I’m Erica Alfinelli, a PhD student of the XXXVI cycle and I'm working in the SDSC group under the supervision of Giacomo Baldi.
We are interested in the glassy physics ranging from vibrational properties to structural relaxations.
In our laboratories we are mainly focusing on light scattering in disordered systems at the dynamical arrest. Besides that, we have many collaborations abroad with Large Scale Facilities as Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers.
My research activity is devoted to the investigation of dynamics of glasses by means of X-rays and coherent visible light. Something more about the SDSC group can be found here

More about me:

I'm a pianist and a mountain addicted who loves playing chamber music and listening to any kind of music."



Riccardo Cominotti (37° ciclo)

I’m Riccardo Cominotti, a PhD student of the XXXVI cycle. I’m currently working in the laboratories of the Pitaevskii Center on Bose-Einstein Condensation, under the supervision of Prof. Gabriele Ferrari. In our laboratory we investigate the properties of spin mixtures of Bose-Einstein Condensates, in the presence of a coherent radiation that couples the two spin states. In the last two years of research, we demonstrated that this experimental platform is suitable for quantum simulations of different physical systems, ranging from magnetic materials to cosmological scenarios. More information on our research can be found at