thematic area
area of research interest
Lorenzo AVANZI |
- Psychology of Work, Organizations and Human Resources
- Work addiction (workaholism and overcommitment) and their impact on health
- Organizational identification: positive and negative effects on work behavior and employees well-being
- Human resources management
- Parenting: biology and environmental factors
- Typical and atypical development
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Clinical development psychology
- Characteristics of parental roles
Nicolao BONINI
- Decision, Judgment and Reasoning in the economic, legal and medical domains
- Decision making: behavioral and biological aspects
- Choice in the absence and presence of risk and uncertainty
- Evaluation of environmental-cultural assets and related public policies
Alessio BRUTTI |
(Automatic) Natural language processing |
- audio and speech processing
- dynamic and efficient neural architectures
Andrea CARIA
- Emotions and emotional regulation
- Learned regulation of brain signals
- Associative and statistical learning
- Socioemotional behavior
- Self-regulation of brain activity
- Neurofeedback
- Brain-Computer Interfaces
Emanuele CASTANÒ |
- Emotions and emotional regulation
- Judgment, decision-making and reasoning in law, economics and health
- Psychology of Language, Linguistics and Neurolinguistics
- Social cognition and intergroup relations
- (Automatic) Natural language processing
- Quality of education and training process
- Origins and consequences of empathy
- The role of Theory of Mind in judgment and decision making
- The effect of language of fiction on social cognition processes
- The effect of cultural products (fiction, films, art) on social cognition processes
- Quantitative analysis of fiction language
- The effect of reading aloud to children, on their socio-cognitive development
Ornella CORAZZA |
- Cognitive psychology
- Psycholinguistics
- Cognitive Neuropsychology- Learning disabilities
- Oral e written language
- Grammatica gender
- Dyslexia and dysgraphia
- Unilateral Spatial neglect
- Memory and amnesia
Martina CVAJNER |
- Typical and atypical Developmental Psychology
- Biological and environmental influences on parenting behaviors
- Parenting and child development in at-risk families
- Social affective development and attachment in children with developmental disorders
- Behavioral and neurobiological correlates of human responsiveness to infant cues.
- Attention and executive function
- Learned regulation of brain signals
- Cognitive ergonomics and interaction with intelligent systems
- Work, organizational and personnel psychology
- Technology for education
- Ordinary and non-ordinary states of consciousness
- Contemplative practices and mental training
- Executive functions, cognitive control and creativity
- Mental well-being and technologies
- Neuroimaging and computational models
- Philosophy of Psychology and of Cognitive Sciences
- Philosophy of Mind and Language
- Applied and Experimental Philosophy
- Concepts and meanings
- Internal perception
- Emotions
- Abstract concepts
- Biological Basis and Environmental Influences of Parental Behavior: Social Cognition and Intergroup Relations
- Typical and atypical Developmental Psychology
- Social neuroscience and neuroimaging
- Gene x Environment interactions
- Psychophysiological correlates of Social Interaction (fNIRS, fMRI, EEG, ECG)
Silvia Nicoletta FARGION |
- Language Production
- Grammatical classes: behavioral and neuroimaging studies
- The impact of poetry on the development of metalinguistic abilities and creative thinking
- Work and organizational psychology
- Organizational well being and quality of working life
- Older worker and transition to retirement
- Work and unemployment
- Emotional development
- Cognitive development (attention, theory of mind, creativity)
- Developmental disorders
Alessandro GRECUCCI |
- Affective neuroscience, experimental psychopathology, emotions and emotion regulation
- Cerebral bases of emotions and emotion regulation (fMRI, EEG, tDCS)
- Processing of emotions in brain lesioned patients
- Experimental psychopathology (cognitive, affective and cerebral bases of psychological disorders)
- Decision, Judgment and Reasoning in the economic, legal and medical domains
- Judgment and decision making (subjective probability judgment, moral judgment)
- Inductive inference
- Categorization
Alessandro IODICE |
- Learned regulation of brain signals
- Typical and atypical development
- Inclusive processes in educational contexts
- Quality of education and training process
- Genetics of brain disorders in childhood
- Physiopathological models of neurological disorders in pediatric age
- Clinical Electroencephalography and Epilepsy
- Sleep disorders
- Psychometrics
- Mathematical psychology
- Cognitive modelling
- Big Data and complex data
- Cognitive modeling
- Bayesian statistics
- Psychometric models of faking
- Measurement models of cognitive processes
Annapaola MARCONI |
- Behavior Analysis and Modification
- Technology for education
- Media, eLearning and Learning Communites online in educational processes
- Persuasive Technologies
- Game Design
- Game User Research
- Artificial Intelligence
- Serious Games
- Player Profiling
- Adaptive Gameplay
- Game Analytics
- Human-AI Collaboration
- Education
Federica MECONI |
Claudio MULATTI |
- Behavior Analysis and Modification
- Relational Frame Theory
- Transfer of stimulus function
- Shaping and behavior modification
- Nudge
- Precision teaching
- Reading and dyslexia
- Control processes
- Concepts, beliefs, and creativity
- Learning strategies
- Tic disorders and other repetitive behavior disorders
Maria Paola PALADINO
- Social cognition and intergroup relations
- Differences and Gender Relationship
- Emotional regulation
- Gender and gender-based discrimination
- Social and educational inequalities
- Robots and technology humanization
- Dehumanization
- Social categorization, stereotyping and prejudice
To know more about research opportunities see SMaB Lab
- Psychology of Language, Linguistics and Neurolinguistics
- Neurophysiological interplay between language and motor processes
- Visual word recognition and letter identification
- Neurophysiological indexes of monitoring and semantic access
- Semantic and lexical access in spoken and written language production
Gianluca SCHIAVO |
- Cognitive ergonomics and interaction with intelligent systems
- Technology for education
- Human-Computer Interaction
- User Interaction with AI-enabled systems
- Interaction design for learning
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation of technological artefacts
- Technology for education
- Media, eLearning and Learning Communites online in educational processes
- Quality of education and training process
- Teachers' professional development
- educational design
- assessment and feedback in educational contexts
Cognitive neuroscience, visual perception and visuomotor control |
- Behavioural and neural correlates of size and distance perception
- Behavioural and neural correlates of visual illusions
- Dissociations between perception and action
- Individual differences in visual processing
- Conscious and unconscious visual processing
- Mechanisms underlying the formation of an afterimage
Massimo STELLA |
- Development of psychometric models of cognitive functions
- (Automatic) Natural language processing
- Interaction with Big Data and decision-making
- Quality of education and training process
- Machine psychology and LLMs as complex systems
- Cognitive network science
- Interpretable machine learning for AI psychometrics
- Typical and atypical Developmental Psychology
- Cognitive development
- Theory of mind
- Developmental disorders
- Socio-moral judgment
- Pragmatics
- Bilingualism
- (Automatic) Natural language processing
- Technology for education
- Computational linguistics
- Social media analysis
- Sensory language
Barbara TRECCANI |
- Attention and executive functions
- Cognitive ergonomics and interaction with intelligent systems
- Behavior Analysis and Modification
- Selection of the response: activation and inhibition processes, stimulus-response compatibility, sequential effects
- Spatial attention
- Magnitude representation
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Human factors
- Joint action
- Implicit processing and consciousness
- Contingency learning; feedback, reinforcement and behavior; relational frame theory
Jeroen VAES
- Social cognition and intergroup relations
- Differences and Gender Relationship
- Social Psychology
- Dehumanization in intergroup relations
- Sexual objectification and the relation between dehumanizing and empathic processes
- Biological Basis and Environmental Influences of Parental Behavior
- Typical and atypical Developmental Psychology
- Quality of Didactics and Training Processes
- Clinical Developmental Psychology
- Parenting: behavioral and neuroimaging studies
Michela VIGNOLI |
- Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
- Stress and well-being in organisations
- Age in the workplace
- Vocational Psychology
- Training and organisational intervention effectiveness
- Cognitive ergonomics and interaction with intelligent systems
- Interaction modes based on embodied CognitioN
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Design and Evaluation of Socio-technical systems
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation of technological artefacts