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Cognitive Science
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XXXII cycle





Beretta Andrea Prof. Massimo Zancanaro Impact of counter-factual emotions on the experience of algorithm aversion 2020
Calignano Giulia Prof. Francesco Vespignani
Prof. Simone Sulpizio
Linguistic information and visual attention deployment: the influence meaningful labels on the orienting of attention 2020
Cataldo Ilaria Prof. Gianluca Esposito
Dott. Bruno Lepri
The relationship among genes, psychological traits, and social behavior 2020
Filosofi Fabio Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Gli atteggiamenti degli insegnanti della scuola primaria nei confronti della rappresentazione della disabilità all'interno dei libri di testo scolastici 2020
Giannotti Michele Prof.ssa Simona De Falco Attachment representations in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder 2020
Landi Isotta Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Clinical and behavioral deep encodings for the stratification of complex disorders 2020
Pappaianni Edoardo Prof. Remo Job
Prof. Alessandro Grecucci
Cognitive mechanisms and neural correlates of shame 2020

XXXI cycle





Caprara Barbara Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Sperimentare le idee di Maria Montessori. Percorso di ricerca nella scuola primaria trentina 2019
Decarli Gisella Prof. Luca Surian
Prof.ssa Manuela Piazza
The two core systems of numerical cognition in infants and developmental dyscalculia 2019
Lind Martina Dott.ssa Sara Dellantonio Choice-supportive misremembering: A robust phenomenon? 2019
Mazzaggio Greta Prof. Luca Surian
Prof. Remo Job
Reading between the Lines: Conversational Implicature Processing in Typical and Atypical Populations 2019
Pasqualotto Angela Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Implementing evidence-based treatments for developmental dyslexia: a comparison between different approaches 2019
Truzzi Anna Prof. Gianluca Esposito Effect of caregiving behaviors and genetic predispositions on human and non-human primates development 2019

XXX cycle





Azevedo Leite Diego Dott.ssa Sara Dellantonio The Twenty-First Century Mechanistic Theory of Human Cognition: A Critical Appraisal 2018
Bressan Marco Prof. Luigi Lombardi Mixture SGR: un nuovo paradigma nella gestione delle manipolazioni di dati self report 2018
Ciampa Valeria Prof. Franco Fraccaroli
Prof. Rolf van Dick
Different forms of (dis)affection with the organization: The positive influence of organizational identification on employees 2018
Del Bianco Teresa Prof.ssa Paola Venuti The Social Gaze: social visual orienting in typical and atypical development 2018
Sabadini Mauro Prof. Marco Dallari Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Pedagogia interculturale: prassi e teorie. L’influenza e le immaginabili funzioni della psicologia nella pedagogia interculturale 2018
Zappoli Alessandra Prof. Francesco Vespignani The perception of intonation in native and non-native linguistic contexts and by different individuals: from question-answer categorization to the integration of prosody and discourse structure 2019

XXIX cycle

Basadonne Ilaria Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Gastrointestinal conditions, nutritional aspects and gut microbiota in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a new perspective for research and intervention 2017
Biondo Nicoletta Prof. Francesco Vespignani The syntactic side of time: processing adverb-verb temporal agreement 2017
Failo Alessandro Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Coping and adjustment in children's pain. Processes of adaptation to illness and effective interventions for pain management 2017
Malusà Giovanna Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Pianificare percorsi di successo scolastico per studenti di origine migrante. Un mixed-method study nella scuola secondaria in Italia 2017
Margoni Francesco Prof. Luca Surian Expectations of obedience and the development of moral reasoning 2017
Mazzoni Noemi Prof.ssa Paola Venuti The recognition of emotional biological movement in individuals with typical development and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 2017

XXVIII cycle

Calcagnì Antonio Prof. Luigi Lombardi Measuring real-time dynamics underlying online rating processes: models, methods, applications    2015
Ferrari Francesco Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino Too Human To Be a Machine: The Role of Robots’ Anthropomorphic Appearance  2015
Galentino Andrea Prof. Nicolao Bonini The arousing risk: Influences of incidental positive and negative arousal on preferences for economic risk  2015
Geipel Janet Prof. Konstantinos Hadjichristidis Foreign Language Effects on Judgment and Decision Making 2015
Ozturk Yagmur Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders  2015
Serra Mauro Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Maternal Relationship, Social Skills and Parental Behavior Through Neuroimaging Techniques and Behavioral Studies 2015

XXVII cycle

Neira Gutierrez Isabel cristina     Prof. Luca Surian The development of socio-moral evalutations in human infants and preschoolers 2015
Rostagno Maria del Carmen Prof.ssa  Paola Venuti Psychological and behavioral aspects of mother infant attacment and emotional availability: a study on five months old baby 2015
Yang Nan Prof.ssa Patrizia Ghislandi Quality teaching in large university classes: designing online collaboration among learners for deep understanding 2015

Cerni Tania

Prof. Remo Job

Do the way we interact with techologies affect cognitive performances? An in-depth analysis of writing devices


Heijne Amber

Prof. Alan Sanfey

Prof. Nicolao Bonini

Psychological and neural mechanisms of stay/leave
decision making


Kmicinska Malgorzata

dott.ssa Sara Zaniboni

Age diversity and inclusion at the workplace. Implicit and explicit attitudes, personality and fit


XXVI cycle

Canavesio Maria Luisa Prof. Remo Job Bilingual Education in the Primary School: Curriculum Study and Experimental Research on Language of Acquisition Effects in the Arithmetic Facts 2013

Guerini Rossella

Prof. Giorgio Coricelli

The Ontogenesis of Counterfactual Emotions: Regret and Relie


Mastrogiuseppe Marilina

Prof.ssa Paola Venuti

Gestures in Autism: an investigation on gestural communication in children with ASD during spontaneous mother-child interaction


Mencacci Elisa

Prof. Marco Dallari

Tra pratiche istituzionali, discorsi legali e dispositivi clinici: la narrazione del processo di richiesta d’asilo. Un’indagine etnografica


Prazienkova Martina

Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino

Cognitive determinants of infra-humanization: the role of illusory correlation and attentional processes


Rigo Paola

Prof.ssa Paola Venuti

Cognition of Parenting: The effect of biological factors and cognitive processes and their interaction on adult responsiveness to baby signals


XXV cycle

Bembich Caterina Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Early attachment behavior in mother-infant dyad: a study on Maternal Physical Engagement 2012
Bentenuto Arianna Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Studio della relazione genitore – bambino in soggetti con disturbo dello spettro autistico 2012
Emer Alessandra Prof.ssa Paola Venuti L'interazione madre-bambino durante i primi anni di vita: analisi longitudinale degli effetti della genitorialità a rischio sullo sviluppo del bambino 2013
Hachmann Wibke Maria Prof. Remo Job Investigating domain-general short-term memory for order versus specific item memory in developmental dyslexia 2012
Perrotta Valentina Prof. Nicolao Bonini The smell of altruism. Incidental pleasant odors and chemosignal as prosocial decisions moderators 2012
Zandomeneghi Paolo Dott. Francesco Vespignani Word Recognition in Predictive Contexts 2012

XXIV cycle

Didino Daniele Dott. Francesco Vespignani A study on the representation of the arithmetic facts memory: cognitively speaking, is the commutativity a property of multiplications and additions? 2011
Fasoli Fabio Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino
Dott. Andrea Carnaghi
On the effects of derogatory group labels: the impact of homophobic epithets and sexist slurs on dehumanization, attitude and behavior toward the gays and women 2011
Polonio Luca Prof Giorgio Coricelli
Prof. Nicolao Bonini
From algorithms of visual analysis to models of choice in interactive decision making 2012
Sulpizio Simone Prof. Remo Job
Dott.ssa Cristina Burani
Converging evidence on the autonomy and abstractness of the representation of lexical stress 2011
Ventura Michela Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Da ribelli a resilienti: processi generativi di successo scolastico nel biennio della scuola secondaria in Italia 2011
Villotti Patrizia Prof. Franco Fraccaroli
Prof.ssa Paola Venuti
Prof. Marc Corbiere
Work integration of people with severe mental illness in social enterprises 2011

XXIII cycle

Bazzanella Barbara Prof. Paolo Bouquet Uniqueness in Cognition 2010
Cembrani Veronica Prof. Remo Job
Dott. Claudio Mulatti
Prof. Max Coltheart
Cascaded and thresholded processing in visual word recognition: does the Dual Route Cascaded model require a threshold 2010
Dadam James Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi
Prof.ssa Luisa Canal
The interplay between shape and colour. An experimental enquiry 2010
Francesconi Denis Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi
Prof. Kurt Fischer
Prof. Shaun Gallagher
Mindfulness Meditation and the Embodied Mind. Consciousness, body and experiential learning in adult education  2010
Geraci Alessandra  Prof. Luca Surian Lo sviluppo e le basi neurali della cognizione sociale: studi sull’attribuzione di stati mentali e sulla valutazione di azioni distributive  2010
Mazzurega Mara  Prof.ssa Paola Paladino  On synchrony and social relations: The role of synchronous multisensory stimulations in self-other merging, social bonding and ingroup-bias reduction  2010
Russo Selena  Dott.ssa Katya Tentori  Sulle determinanti della fallacia della congiunzione. Una spiegazione basata sulla teoria della conferma Bayesiana  2010 

XXII cycle

Balducci Cristian Prof. Franco Fraccaroli
Prof. Wilmar Schaufeli
Aggressive behavior at work: Investigating and integrating the target’s and actor’s perspectives 2009
Barilli Elisa Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori When 1 in 200 is higher than 5 in 1000: The ‘1 in X effect’ on the perceived probability of having a Down syndrome-affected child 2010
Costa Vanessa Prof. Gabriele Miceli Interactions between Orthographic Representations and Working Memory Properties: A Neuropsychological Analysis 2010
Favaro Chiara Dott.ssa Silvana Selmi
Prof.ssa Paola Venuti
La valutazione del dolore pediatrico in ambito clinico. Una ricerca-intervento 2009
Forer Doris Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino Direct and extended contact of Italian and German speaking South Tyroleans: Effects on attitudes and identification 2010
La Femina Floriana Prof.ssa Paola Venuti L’intervento di supporto all’interazione genitore bambino nelle condizioni di sviluppo atipico 2009
Occelli Valeria Prof. Massimiliano Zampini
Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi
Assessing audiotactile interactions: Spatiotemporal factors and role of visual experience 2009
Valitutti Alessandro Dott. Carlo Strapparava
Prof. Oliviero Stock
Computational Production of Affect-Based Verbal Humorous Expressions 2009

XXI cycle

Aristei Sabrina Prof. Remo Job
Prof. Markus Kiefer
Prof.ssa Rasha Abdel Rahman
Not all that’s semantic is post-sensory: Electrophysiological correlates of semantic context effects 2008
Batocchi Alberto Prof.ssa Paola Venuti
Prof. Fabio Pianesi
Multi-user Collaborative Technology and Social Skills in  Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: a Case Study with the Collaborative Puzzle Game 2008
Bottari Davide Prof. Francesco Pavani Visual abilities in profound deafness: a window into the mechanisms of multisensory perception 2008
Ghidotti Christian Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi Il problema mente-cervello dal punto di vista della robotica epigenetica: aspetti teorici e applicativi 2008
Ghirotto Luca prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Education Right: a Social Justice Education GT in Italian Compulsory Schools 2008
Panizza Daniele prof. Remo Job
prof. Gennaro Chierchia
The psycholinguistics of implicatures 2008
Tessari Tommaso Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori
Prof. Rino Rumiati
Da moneta a banconota: un altro tipo di Money Illusion 2008

XX cycle

Cappelletti Annarita Prof. Marco Dallari La dimensione narrativa del disegno infantile 2007
Chanev Atanas George Prof. Paolo Bouquet
Dott. Alberto Lavelli
Investigating the relation between automatic parsing and human sentence processing. The dependency shift-reduce parser 2007
Cruciani Marco Prof. Paolo Bouquet Interesse e significato 2008
Delogu Francesca Prof. Alfonso Caramazza
Prof. Paolo Bouquet
Effects of Intensionality on Sentence and Discourse Comprehension 2007
Gris Roberto prof. Marco Dallari Comprensione e metacognizione della narrazione teatrale nell’infanzia 2007
Poiese Paola prof. Massimo Turatto
prof. Vince Di Lollo
prof. Tom Spalek
Visual search: from preattentive mechanisms to mechanisms of visual selection 2007
Ponte Diego Prof. Matteo Bonifacio
Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi
Prof. Paolo Bouquet
Talking about frames, struggling around interests: the role of irreversibilities during organizational sensemaking 2007
Rapanà Francesca Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Nascere in Italia da genitori stranieri. Una grounded theory sui processi di costruzione della cittadinanza 2008
Rausei Valeria Prof. Alfonso Caramazza
Prof. Massimo Turatto
Contextual learning in visual search tasks 2007
Valsecchi Matteo Prof. Massimo Turatto
Dott. Reinhold Klieg
Microsaccades as a New Tool For Investigating The Brain's Response To Oddball Stimuli 2007

XIX cycle

Begliomini Chiara Prof. Remo Job
Dott. Jorge Jovicich
Prof. Umberto Castiello
(Università degli Studi di Padova);
Prof. Wolfgang Grodd
(Eberhard-Karls Universitaet Tuebingen)
Hand and object: the two sides of the reach-to-grasp movement. A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation 2006
Betta Elena Prof. Massimo Turatto Oculomotor correlates of visual selection 2006
Bussolon Stefano Prof. Francesco Pavani
Dott. Fabio del Missier
Categorizzazione on line: aspetti teorici, metodologici ed applicativi 2007
Caria Andrea Prof. Paola Venuti Regulation of local brain activity using Real-Time fMRI 2006
De Falco Simona Prof. Paola Venuti L’Attenzione condivisa nei Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico: Valutazione, Interazione, e Trattamento 2006
Demattè Maria Luisa Prof. Francesco Pavani Olfaction and the other senses: Investigation of its relation with touch and vision 2006
Esposito Gianluca Prof. Paola Venuti Le alterazioni dello sviluppo motorio nei soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico: Analisi della deambulazione e delle fasi pre-deambulatorie 2006
Giusti Zeno Prof. Paola Venuti La valutazione della disponibilità emotiva con l’emotional availability scale. Studio longitudinale a 5,20 e 48 mesi 2006
Graffeo Michele Prof. Nicolao Bonini Categorie e valutazione dei beni pubblici e privati 2007
Oltramari Alessandro Prof. Liliana Albertazzi
Dott. Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR)
Hybridism in Cognitive Science and Technology — Foundational and implementational issues 2006
Pighin Stefania Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori
Prof. Vittorio Girotto (Università IUAV di Venezia)
Un effetto ruolo nel pensiero controfattuale 2006



Doctoral course in Cognitive Science

corso Bettini, 84 - 36068 Rovereto (TN)
+39 0464 808457