PhD programmes - Science and Technology
Doctoral programme
Cognitive Science
Imag Curriculum


The educational aims comprise:

  • subjects scheduled by the Study Program as well as seminars limited to research activities carried out during this period;
  • research training, such as planning and researching topics that are not necessarily connected to the PhD’s thesis.

During the 1st year the PhD student arranges his/her Plan of Study whereby attendance to courses and other educational opportunities (i.e. seminars and conventions) are scheduled. This is done together with a tutor, who is assigned by Doctoral Course Committee and is part of the teaching staff. The subjects will give the students a common solid basis regarding:

  • knowledge and relative techniques within the methodological area (methodology research and data processing);
  • in-depth analysis of basic discipline linked to the study of knowledge representation;
  • acquisition of specific knowledge in the areas of cognition sciences, neurosciences and the science of education.

At the beginning of the first year the Doctoral Course Committee assigns the Phd student a Tutor who firstly helps in order to do the plan of study and starting from the second year in order to arrange the specific research project.

The PhD student has to attend the subjects in agreement with the Study Plan of the Course to collect credits for the 1st year. Moreover, the PhD student may ask the Head of Course to account for their attendance to a course/seminar/convention at another place, whether national or international within the Doctoral Course.

The use of teaching/learning online is permitted. Participation to seminars, workshops and symposiums suggested by the department are also obligatory.

In the 2nd year, students attend national and international conferences, conventions and seminars. In the second year, all enrolled students are required to spend a study and research period abroad for a minimum of six months. During the second year, the Doctoral students talk about their thesis project, they present a short written dissertation to the board, nominated by the teaching body.

The 3rd year is completely dedicated to the thesis. The thesis shall consist of a written dissertation in which students report their original research investigation, part of which can also be collaborative papers. During the 3rd year the students will also have to publicly present their results of a research study.



Doctoral course in Psychological Sciences and Education

Corso Bettini, 31 - 38068 - Rovereto (TN)
ph. +39 0461 808457