Research Doctorates
XXXI cycle
Caprara Barbara | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Sperimentare le idee di Maria Montessori. Percorso di ricerca nella scuola primaria trentina | 2019 |
Decarli Gisella | Prof. Luca Surian Prof.ssa Manuela Piazza |
The two core systems of numerical cognition in infants and developmental dyscalculia | 2019 |
Lind Martina | Dott.ssa Sara Dellantonio | Choice-supportive misremembering: A robust phenomenon? | 2019 |
Mazzaggio Greta | Prof. Luca Surian Prof. Remo Job |
Reading between the Lines: Conversational Implicature Processing in Typical and Atypical Populations | 2019 |
Pasqualotto Angela | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Implementing evidence-based treatments for developmental dyslexia: a comparison between different approaches | 2019 |
Truzzi Anna | Prof. Gianluca Esposito | Effect of caregiving behaviors and genetic predispositions on human and non-human primates development | 2019 |
XXX cycle
Azevedo Leite Diego | Dott.ssa Sara Dellantonio | The Twenty-First Century Mechanistic Theory of Human Cognition: A Critical Appraisal | 2018 |
Bressan Marco | Prof. Luigi Lombardi | Mixture SGR: un nuovo paradigma nella gestione delle manipolazioni di dati self report | 2018 |
Ciampa Valeria | Prof. Franco Fraccaroli Prof. Rolf van Dick |
Different forms of (dis)affection with the organization: The positive influence of organizational identification on employees | 2018 |
Del Bianco Teresa | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | The Social Gaze: social visual orienting in typical and atypical development | 2018 |
Sabadini Mauro | Prof. Marco Dallari Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi |
Pedagogia interculturale: prassi e teorie. L’influenza e le immaginabili funzioni della psicologia nella pedagogia interculturale | 2018 |
Zappoli Alessandra | Prof. Francesco Vespignani | The perception of intonation in native and non-native linguistic contexts and by different individuals: from question-answer categorization to the integration of prosody and discourse structure | 2019 |
XXIX cycle
Basadonne Ilaria | Paola Venuti | Gastrointestinal conditions, nutritional aspects and gut microbiota in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a new perspective for research and intervention | 2017 |
Biondo Nicoletta | Francesco Vespignani | The syntactic side of time: processing adverb-verb temporal agreement | 2017 |
Failo Alessandro | Paola Venuti | Coping and adjustment in children's pain. Processes of adaptation to illness and effective interventions for pain management | 2017 |
Malusà Giovanna | Massimiliano Tarozzi | Pianificare percorsi di successo scolastico per studenti di origine migrante. Un mixed-method study nella scuola secondaria in Italia | 2017 |
Margoni Francesco | Luca Surian | Expectations of obedience and the development of moral reasoning | 2017 |
Mazzoni Noemi | Paola Venuti | The recognition of emotional biological movement in individuals with typical development and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | 2017 |
XXVIII cycle
Calcagnì Antonio | Prof. Luigi Lombardi | Measuring real-time dynamics underlying online rating processes: models, methods, applications | 2015 |
Ferrari Francesco | Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino | Too Human To Be a Machine: The Role of Robots’ Anthropomorphic Appearance | 2015 |
Galentino Andrea | Prof. Nicolao Bonini | The arousing risk: Influences of incidental positive and negative arousal on preferences for economic risk | 2015 |
Geipel Janet | Prof. Konstantinos Hadjichristidis | Foreign Language Effects on Judgment and Decision Making | 2015 |
Ozturk Yagmur | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders | 2015 |
Serra Mauro | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Maternal Relationship, Social Skills and Parental Behavior Through Neuroimaging Techniques and Behavioral Studies | 2015 |
XXVII cycle
Neira Gutierrez Isabel cristina | Prof. Luca Surian | The development of socio-moral evalutations in human infants and preschoolers | 2015 |
Rostagno Maria del Carmen | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Psychological and behavioral aspects of mother infant attacment and emotional availability: a study on five months old baby | 2015 |
Yang Nan | Prof.ssa Patrizia Ghislandi | Quality teaching in large university classes: designing online collaboration among learners for deep understanding | 2015 |
Cerni Tania |
Prof. Remo Job |
Do the way we interact with techologies affect cognitive performances? An in-depth analysis of writing devices |
2014 |
Heijne Amber |
Prof. Alan Sanfey Prof. Nicolao Bonini |
Psychological and neural mechanisms of stay/leave |
2014 |
Kmicinska Malgorzata |
dott.ssa Sara Zaniboni |
Age diversity and inclusion at the workplace. Implicit and explicit attitudes, personality and fit |
2014 |
XXVI cycle
Canavesio Maria Luisa | Prof. Remo Job | Bilingual Education in the Primary School: Curriculum Study and Experimental Research on Language of Acquisition Effects in the Arithmetic Facts | 2013 |
Guerini Rossella |
Prof. Giorgio Coricelli |
The Ontogenesis of Counterfactual Emotions: Regret and Relie |
2013 |
Mastrogiuseppe Marilina |
Prof.ssa Paola Venuti |
Gestures in Autism: an investigation on gestural communication in children with ASD during spontaneous mother-child interaction |
2013 |
Mencacci Elisa |
Prof. Marco Dallari |
Tra pratiche istituzionali, discorsi legali e dispositivi clinici: la narrazione del processo di richiesta d’asilo. Un’indagine etnografica |
2013 |
Prazienkova Martina |
Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino |
Cognitive determinants of infra-humanization: the role of illusory correlation and attentional processes |
2013 |
Rigo Paola |
Prof.ssa Paola Venuti |
Cognition of Parenting: The effect of biological factors and cognitive processes and their interaction on adult responsiveness to baby signals |
2013 |
XXV cycle
Bembich Caterina | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Early attachment behavior in mother-infant dyad: a study on Maternal Physical Engagement | 2012 |
Bentenuto Arianna | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | Studio della relazione genitore – bambino in soggetti con disturbo dello spettro autistico | 2012 |
Emer Alessandra | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | L'interazione madre-bambino durante i primi anni di vita: analisi longitudinale degli effetti della genitorialità a rischio sullo sviluppo del bambino | 2013 |
Hachmann Wibke Maria | Prof. Remo Job | Investigating domain-general short-term memory for order versus specific item memory in developmental dyslexia | 2012 |
Perrotta Valentina | Prof. Nicolao Bonini | The smell of altruism. Incidental pleasant odors and chemosignal as prosocial decisions moderators | 2012 |
Zandomeneghi Paolo | Dott. Francesco Vespignani | Word Recognition in Predictive Contexts | 2012 |
XXIV cycle
Didino Daniele | Dott. Francesco Vespignani | A study on the representation of the arithmetic facts memory: cognitively speaking, is the commutativity a property of multiplications and additions? | 2011 |
Fasoli Fabio | Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino Dott. Andrea Carnaghi |
On the effects of derogatory group labels: the impact of homophobic epithets and sexist slurs on dehumanization, attitude and behavior toward the gays and women | 2011 |
Polonio Luca | Prof Giorgio Coricelli Prof. Nicolao Bonini |
From algorithms of visual analysis to models of choice in interactive decision making | 2012 |
Sulpizio Simone | Prof. Remo Job Dott.ssa Cristina Burani |
Converging evidence on the autonomy and abstractness of the representation of lexical stress | 2011 |
Ventura Michela | Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi | Da ribelli a resilienti: processi generativi di successo scolastico nel biennio della scuola secondaria in Italia | 2011 |
Villotti Patrizia | Prof. Franco Fraccaroli Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Prof. Marc Corbiere |
Work integration of people with severe mental illness in social enterprises | 2011 |
XXIII cycle
Bazzanella Barbara | Prof. Paolo Bouquet | Uniqueness in Cognition | 2010 |
Cembrani Veronica | Prof. Remo Job Dott. Claudio Mulatti Prof. Max Coltheart |
Cascaded and thresholded processing in visual word recognition: does the Dual Route Cascaded model require a threshold | 2010 |
Dadam James | Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi Prof.ssa Luisa Canal |
The interplay between shape and colour. An experimental enquiry | 2010 |
Francesconi Denis | Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Prof. Kurt Fischer Prof. Shaun Gallagher |
Mindfulness Meditation and the Embodied Mind. Consciousness, body and experiential learning in adult education | 2010 |
Geraci Alessandra | Prof. Luca Surian | Lo sviluppo e le basi neurali della cognizione sociale: studi sull’attribuzione di stati mentali e sulla valutazione di azioni distributive | 2010 |
Mazzurega Mara | Prof.ssa Paola Paladino | On synchrony and social relations: The role of synchronous multisensory stimulations in self-other merging, social bonding and ingroup-bias reduction | 2010 |
Russo Selena | Dott.ssa Katya Tentori | Sulle determinanti della fallacia della congiunzione. Una spiegazione basata sulla teoria della conferma Bayesiana | 2010 |
XXII cycle
Balducci Cristian | Prof. Franco Fraccaroli Prof. Wilmar Schaufeli |
Aggressive behavior at work: Investigating and integrating the target’s and actor’s perspectives | 2009 |
Barilli Elisa | Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori | When 1 in 200 is higher than 5 in 1000: The ‘1 in X effect’ on the perceived probability of having a Down syndrome-affected child | 2010 |
Costa Vanessa | Prof. Gabriele Miceli | Interactions between Orthographic Representations and Working Memory Properties: A Neuropsychological Analysis | 2010 |
Favaro Chiara | Dott.ssa Silvana Selmi Prof.ssa Paola Venuti |
La valutazione del dolore pediatrico in ambito clinico. Una ricerca-intervento | 2009 |
Forer Doris | Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino | Direct and extended contact of Italian and German speaking South Tyroleans: Effects on attitudes and identification | 2010 |
La Femina Floriana | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti | L’intervento di supporto all’interazione genitore bambino nelle condizioni di sviluppo atipico | 2009 |
Occelli Valeria | Prof. Massimiliano Zampini Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi |
Assessing audiotactile interactions: Spatiotemporal factors and role of visual experience | 2009 |
Valitutti Alessandro | Dott. Carlo Strapparava Prof. Oliviero Stock |
Computational Production of Affect-Based Verbal Humorous Expressions | 2009 |
XXI cycle
Aristei Sabrina | Prof. Remo Job Prof. Markus Kiefer Prof.ssa Rasha Abdel Rahman |
Not all that’s semantic is post-sensory: Electrophysiological correlates of semantic context effects | 2008 |
Batocchi Alberto | Prof.ssa Paola Venuti Prof. Fabio Pianesi |
Multi-user Collaborative Technology and Social Skills in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: a Case Study with the Collaborative Puzzle Game | 2008 |
Bottari Davide | Prof. Francesco Pavani | Visual abilities in profound deafness: a window into the mechanisms of multisensory perception | 2008 |
Ghidotti Christian | Prof.ssa Liliana Albertazzi | Il problema mente-cervello dal punto di vista della robotica epigenetica: aspetti teorici e applicativi | 2008 |
Ghirotto Luca | prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi | Education Right: a Social Justice Education GT in Italian Compulsory Schools | 2008 |
Panizza Daniele | prof. Remo Job prof. Gennaro Chierchia |
The psycholinguistics of implicatures | 2008 |
Tessari Tommaso | Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori Prof. Rino Rumiati |
Da moneta a banconota: un altro tipo di Money Illusion | 2008 |
XX cycle
Cappelletti Annarita | Prof. Marco Dallari | La dimensione narrativa del disegno infantile | 2007 |
Chanev Atanas George | Prof. Paolo Bouquet Dott. Alberto Lavelli |
Investigating the relation between automatic parsing and human sentence processing. The dependency shift-reduce parser | 2007 |
Cruciani Marco | Prof. Paolo Bouquet | Interesse e significato | 2008 |
Delogu Francesca | Prof. Alfonso Caramazza Prof. Paolo Bouquet |
Effects of Intensionality on Sentence and Discourse Comprehension | 2007 |
Gris Roberto | prof. Marco Dallari | Comprensione e metacognizione della narrazione teatrale nell’infanzia | 2007 |
Poiese Paola | prof. Massimo Turatto prof. Vince Di Lollo prof. Tom Spalek |
Visual search: from preattentive mechanisms to mechanisms of visual selection | 2007 |
Ponte Diego | Prof. Matteo Bonifacio Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi Prof. Paolo Bouquet |
Talking about frames, struggling around interests: the role of irreversibilities during organizational sensemaking | 2007 |
Rapanà Francesca | Prof. Massimiliano Tarozzi | Nascere in Italia da genitori stranieri. Una grounded theory sui processi di costruzione della cittadinanza | 2008 |
Rausei Valeria | Prof. Alfonso Caramazza Prof. Massimo Turatto |
Contextual learning in visual search tasks | 2007 |
Valsecchi Matteo | Prof. Massimo Turatto Dott. Reinhold Klieg |
Microsaccades as a New Tool For Investigating The Brain's Response To Oddball Stimuli | 2007 |
XIX cycle
Begliomini Chiara | Prof. Remo Job Dott. Jorge Jovicich Prof. Umberto Castiello (Università degli Studi di Padova); Prof. Wolfgang Grodd (Eberhard-Karls Universitaet Tuebingen) |
Hand and object: the two sides of the reach-to-grasp movement. A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation | 2006 |
Betta Elena | Prof. Massimo Turatto | Oculomotor correlates of visual selection | 2006 |
Bussolon Stefano | Prof. Francesco Pavani Dott. Fabio del Missier |
Categorizzazione on line: aspetti teorici, metodologici ed applicativi | 2007 |
Caria Andrea | Prof. Paola Venuti | Regulation of local brain activity using Real-Time fMRI | 2006 |
De Falco Simona | Prof. Paola Venuti | L’Attenzione condivisa nei Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico: Valutazione, Interazione, e Trattamento | 2006 |
Demattè Maria Luisa | Prof. Francesco Pavani | Olfaction and the other senses: Investigation of its relation with touch and vision | 2006 |
Esposito Gianluca | Prof. Paola Venuti | Le alterazioni dello sviluppo motorio nei soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico: Analisi della deambulazione e delle fasi pre-deambulatorie | 2006 |
Giusti Zeno | Prof. Paola Venuti | La valutazione della disponibilità emotiva con l’emotional availability scale. Studio longitudinale a 5,20 e 48 mesi | 2006 |
Graffeo Michele | Prof. Nicolao Bonini | Categorie e valutazione dei beni pubblici e privati | 2007 |
Oltramari Alessandro | Prof. Liliana Albertazzi Dott. Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR) |
Hybridism in Cognitive Science and Technology — Foundational and implementational issues | 2006 |
Pighin Stefania | Dott.ssa Lucia Savadori Prof. Vittorio Girotto (Università IUAV di Venezia) |
Un effetto ruolo nel pensiero controfattuale | 2006 |