PhD programmes - Humanities
Doctoral programme
International Studies

Publications 2016

Year 2016

Nicoli, F. (2016) From Governance to Government? Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union. Journal of Economic Policy,  forthcoming

Nicoli, F. (2016) European Governance in the 2025 run-up: a joint budgetary procedure. Perspectives on Federalism,  forthcoming

Nicoli, F. (2016) Electoral Euroscepticism, turnout and the economic crisis: evidence from a 108 elections panel study across Europe.   Journal of Common Market Studies, 2016.

Nicoli, F. (2016) Eurocrisis and the myths of European redistribution: illegitimate, unsustainable, inefficient? Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 7, No. 3

Kustova, Irina  Towards a Comprehensive Research Agenda on EU Energy Integration: Policy Making, Energy Security, and EU Energy Actorness. Journal of European Integration, forthcoming January 2017.

Kustova, Irina (2016). Electricity Cooperation in the South Caucasus: The Role of the Regional Integration Projects. European Energy Review, 13 July 2016

Kustova, Irina (2016). Russia, Eurasia and the New Geopolitics of Energy. Confrontation and Consolidation by Matthew Sussex and Roger Kanet, eds., - Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, Europe–Asia Studies 68(6), pp. 1091-1092, 2016

Denti, Davide. “Sorry for Srebrenica? Public apologies and genocide in the Western Balkans”, in: Barbara Tornqvist-Plewa, Tea Sindback (eds.), "Towards a common past", Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.

Kustova, Irina. A Treaty à la Carte? Some Reflections on the Energy Charter Modernization. Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 9 (5): 357-369, 2016.

Cittadino, Federica. ‘Libera circolazione degli OGM: più spazio per la tutela dell’ambiente alla luce della direttiva (UE) 2015/412?’ (Free circulation of GMOs: more space for the protection of the environment in light of directive (EU) 2015/412?) (2016) 1 Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente 209.

Cittadino Federica with Alberton M, La tutela dell’ambiente tra Stato e Regioni alla luce della riforma costituzionale (Environmental protection between the State and Regions in light of the constitutional reform) (ESI 2016).

Romaniuk, Scott N.  (2016) 'Hungarians Caught Between National Referendum and European Union Migrant Quotas' - The Budapest Times 

Romaniuk, S. N. (2016). “核武擴散管理: 新世紀國家、區域與 全球安全分析層次,” Review of Global Politics, 54, 157-168

Romaniuk, S. N. Book Review, Karlsrud, J. (2015). Norm Change in International Relations: Linked Ecologies in UN Peacekeeping Operations. Abingdon: Routledge in Global Policy, (2016, Jul.).

Sahakyan, Davit (2016). “The Implications of TPP for TTIP.” Op-Ed, Atlantic Community, the Open Think Tank on Foreign Policy, April 28,

Kustova,  Irina,  Regional Electricity Cooperation in the South Caucasus: Cross-border Trade Opportunities and Regional Regulatory Uncertainties, Occasional Paper (Brussels, Energy Charter Secretariat, 2016)

Sahakyan, Davit (2016). “EU Trade Policy Responses to the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements in Latin America and East and Southeast Asia.” Politics & Policy 44 (1): 74-96
Sahakyan, Davit (2016, forthcoming). “Reassessing North-South Relations: The Case of North-South Preferential Trade Agreements.” Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 15

Kustova, Irina (2016). Putin’s Energy Agenda. The Contradictions of Russia’s Resource Wealth by Stefan Hedlund, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Boulder & London, 2014, Political Studies Review 14, p. 294, 2016

Mitrotta Emma, Il Gruppo europeo di cooperazione territoriale (GECT) e la sua funzionalità come strumento di cooperazione transfrontaliera in materia ambientale, Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2016(2)

Mitrotta Emma, 2016, Book Review ‘Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity’, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 25(2)

Margherita Baldarelli, “Beni comuni e terreni collettivi. Brevi note sull’espansione del mercato fondiario in Africa” in A. Quarta e M. Spanò (eds), Beni Comuni 2.0. Controegemonia e nuove istituzioni, Milano, Mimesis (2016): 71-84