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Flavia Zanon

Flavia Zanon has been awarded her PhD from the School of International studies of the University of Trento in March 2012, with a dissertation on the role of the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union.

As part of her PhD research, Flavia has been visiting fellow at the Politics, History, and International Relations Department of the University of Loughborough. From 2006 to 2008 Flavia was research Fellow for the EFSPS Programme of the Compagnia di San Paolo of Turin: as part of this programme, she completed a comparative study of the role parliamentary institutions – national and European - in the Common Foreign and Security Policy. From 2003 to 2005 she was a Research Fellow at the Institute of International Affairs in Rome.

Her research interests include EU institutions and security culture.


 • “Norms and governance in EU foreign policy: the case of the High Representative for the CFSP”, under review in the Journal of Contemporary European Research
• “EU foreign policy cooperation: A challenge for national Parliaments?", European Foreign Affairs Review, 15: 19-38, 2010
• M. Comelli and F. Zanon, “Democratic Legitimacy and Accountability of ESDP Operations”, IAI Working Paper No. 34, 2009
• “EU Foreign Policy in the Italian Parliament: The Debates on China and Iran.” The International Spectator, 42(4): 551 – 570, 2007
• “Riforma dei trattati e futuro dell’Europa: il dibattito politico e istituzionale in Italia”, in Integrazione Europea e Opinione Pubblica Italiana, Quaderni IAI No. 25, 2006
• “Il dibattito sulla riforma costituzionale dell'UE: ottobre 2005-gennaio 2006, Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, IAI Working Paper, No. 31, 2005
• “Il dibattito sulla riforma costituzionale dell'UE dopo il no francese e olandese, Roma”, IAI Working Paper, No. 21, 2005
• “Il nuovo Trattato costituzionale: dall’approvazione alla firma”, in A. Colombo and N. Ronzitti, L’Italia e la Politica internazionale, 2005, Il Mulino
• “The European Parliament: an autonomous foreign policy identity?”, in E. Barbé, A. Herranz, The role of Parliaments in European foreign policy, 2005, Office of the European Parliament: Barcelona
• R. Matarazzo, F. Zanon “La Convenzione europea e la Conferenza intergovernativa,” in A. Colombo and N. Ronzitti, L’Italia e la Politica internazionale, 2004, Il Mulino
• “EU Constitutional Reform and the Convention Method”, The International Spectator, 37(4), 2003