Student associations are essential to University life: they represent the student community and organize social, cultural and sporting events.
Through associations, the students of the University meet and involve other students in university life and in the activities of departments and centres.
The University of Trento supports student associations providing spaces, funding and communication channels.
Below are the recognized student associations for 2023:
Student associations:
- ADI Trento
- ASI Leonardo APS
- ATU - Associazione Teatrale Universitaria
- ESN Erasmus Student Network
- Giovani Europei Trento
- IDSA - Interaction Design Student Association
- Ingegneria Senza Frontiere Trento
- JETN-Junior Enterprise Trento
- L’Universitario
- OWL - Open Wet Lab
- Parvis
- Sanbaradio
- Starting Finance Club Trento
- Tridentum - Debating team
- TSLR Trento Student Law Review
- UDU Trento - Unione Degli Universitari di Trento
- Un'Altra Scuola
- UNITIN – Rete degli studenti universitari del Trentino
- UTFEN - Finance and Enterpreneurship Network
Sports clubs
For recognition requests, financial support and event funding, please refer to the Sports Club page on the website of UniTrentoSport.
Recognition of student associations
Through the recognition process, student associations have access to a number of benefits offered by the University of Trento and Opera Universitaria, such as:
- the opportunity to advertise events and initiatives on the University website;
- use of University rooms and spaces;
- annual funding;
- funding to support the organization of events;
- a description of the association on the University website;
- opportunities to give visibility to the association in other occasions.
Associations that are about to be established can apply for pre-recognition between January and September of each year, in order to participate in:
- training initiatives;
- promotional events.
The pre-recognition application must be submitted by email to associazionistudentesche [at] together with any required documents.
Recognition applications
The Recognition application must be submitted online by the president or the legal representative of the student association by 30 November of each year (the form is called "Student Associations - Recognition 2023" - log in with Unitn or Spid credentials).
The request is valid for one year. Associations that do not renew the request will not be recognized.
Use of university rooms and spaces
Based on availability, the University of Trento gives associations the opportunity to use rooms and spaces within its premises. Sometimes the spaces are shared by more than one association. Student organizations can submit a joint application to use the same room or space.
The application must be submitted by the president or legal representative of the association.
Applications must be submitted online by 30 November of each year for the following calendar year. The form will be available online shortly.
The request is valid for one year. Associations that do not renew the request will lose all benefits.
Allocation of financial resources
Applications for annual contributions must be submitted to Opera Universitaria by the legal representative of the organization or by a delegate by 30 November of each year, to receive funding for the next year (e.g. by applying in November 2022, you will receive funding to cover the costs of 2023). This deadline does not apply to organizations applying for the first time.
Applications must be submitted using the forms provided by Opera Universitaria. The form will be available online shortly.
Event funding
The University of Trento and Opera Universitaria provide funding for cultural and social events organized by recognized student associations.
Applications to receive funding for events must be submitted to Opera Universitaria by the legal representative of the association or by a delegate, within these deadlines:
- 30 November, for initiatives that will take place in the first six months of the following year;
- 31 May, for events that will take place in the last six months of the current year.
Therefore applications for funding for events scheduled for January-June 2022 must be submitted by 30 November 2021. Applications for funding for events scheduled for July-December 2022 must be submitted by 31 May 2022.
Applications for event funding must be submitted through two online forms:
- Recognized student associations - application for event funding (please fill out the form indicating the number of initiatives planned for the current semester)
- Recognized student associations - Presentation of the initiatives (please fill out one form for every event you plan to organize).
The two forms can be found at: (log in with Unitn or Spid credentials).
By way of exception, applications supported by reasonable grounds may be accepted once the deadline has expired when organizations also attach the relevant documents. These applications must always be submitted online by filling out the two forms.
Publication of funded events on the websites of UniTrento and Opera Universitaria
The events that have been approved for funding by the Joint Commission can be published in the Events sections on the websites of the two organizations.
To this end, applicants are required to fill out the form available at this page at least 15 days before the date of the event.