Euroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino

The Euroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino (Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino in German) is a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) established in 2011 by agreement between Land Tyrol and the two autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento.

Within the Euregio, the universities of Trento, Bolzano and Innsbruck have been collaborating for years on some common objectives:

  • improving mobility,
  • expanding the university training offer at partner universities,
  • strengthening cross-border research and supporting young researchers.

The project provides financial support for the exchange and mobility of students and teachers between the three universities of the Euregio through the proposal of joint educational initiatives.

Studying in the Euregio

Master's in Energy Engineering
Master's in Environmental Management of Mountain Areas (EMMA)
Master's in Environmental Meteorology
Integrated degree course in law - Italian Law

Euregio professorships

These are special, fixed-term teaching posts whose holders are formally employed in one of the three universities, but carry out teaching and scientific activities in all three partner universities.
The topics covered by each individual post are agreed with the three universities and are of scientific and social content which is of relevance not only for the universities, but also for the entire Euroregion:

  • University of Trento: Minorities Law and Federalism Studies, Professor Jens Woelk;
  • Free University of Bolzano: the selection procedure is underway
  • University of Innsbruck: the selection procedure is underway

Doing research in the Euregio

EUPHUR - EUregio Platform on HUman dignity and human Rights
EFH - Euregio Environment, Food & Health (Italian version)
Historegio (Italian version)

The Euregio supports scientific research by financing multi-year research projects. The Euregio Science Fund promotes multi-year and joint research projects (IPN - International Project Networks) involving the three regions of the Euregio. The topic is chosen by the proposing consortium in line with the objectives of the Euregio Science Fund in order to strengthen interregional scientific cooperation.

The first mission concerns teaching for quality education, which is attentive to the needs of the university community. Among the objectives is innovation in teaching, which means exploring new approaches, methodologies, content, spaces and enhancing the use of technology; but also connecting teaching and research more closely. The aim is to consolidate the center responsible for teacher training and teaching innovation (FormID) in order to promote training, experimentation and reflection on new participatory, inclusive and flexible practices.

The second concerns research. The objectives are the promotion of quality with respect to the best international standards; encouraging participation in national actions (such as the Pnr and Pnrr); strengthening and renewing the university's research system (support functions, technological infrastructure adaptation); making the University of Trento a point of reference at a national and international level on the issues of research integrity, open data and open science; positioning UniTrento among the national and international leaders for innovation and synergic relationship between research and entrepreneurship.

Finally, the third mission involves the university's commitment to supporting the local territory and society in a process of evolution and maturation based on the principles of sustainable growth and widespread innovation. To relaunch the university's role as a strategic partner of the provincial school system, the Teacher Training and School Relations (Firs) group will be used as a space for sharing strategies and good practices, in collaboration with FormID.
UniTrento also believes it is necessary to strengthen the visibility of its research results and work to build a "scientific citizenship" based on shared knowledge.

The project is currently at its fifth call. To view the calls for past editions (2020 and previous) visit the dedicated section.

  • NeuroTrain: Neurocognition of arithmetic (re-)learning - Manuela Piazza, CIMeC
  • INTERFACE - Investigating the surface energy balance over mountain areas - Lorenzo Giovannini, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
  • Atmosferic Boundary-layer modelling over complex terrain - Lorenzo Giovannini, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
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