The Data Protection Committee assists the Data Controller in matters of general interest regarding the compliance of the processing of personal data by the University.


  • Umberto Izzo (Faculty of Law)
  • Nicola Segata (Department CIBIO)
  • Paolo Zanei (Education and student services management)
  • Ivano Bison (Department of Sociology and Social Research)
  • Paolo Guarda (Faculty of Law)

Substitute members:

  • Roberto Caso (Faculty of Law)
  • Luciano Conti (Department CIBIO)
  • Vanessa Ravagni (Direzione Servizi alla Ricerca e Valorizzazione)
  • Steano Benati (Department of Sociology and Social Research)
  • Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri (Department of Sociology and Social Research).

Tasks of the Data Protection Committee - art. 4 Regulations on the protection of personal data

In particular, the Data Protection Committee is entrusted with the following tasks:

  1. provide technical and legal advice to the Data Controller on matters of general interest to the University regarding the obligations deriving from the current legislation on the protection of personal data;
  2. provide researchers with reasoned and binding opinions on data protection in relation to scientific research projects;
  3. monitor the implementation of data protection legislation and any instructions provided in relation to individual research projects;
  4. collaborate in the drafting and updating of the "Privacy Organizational Model" (MOP);
  5. propose, in agreement with the DPO, projects and training activities, meetings and seminars on the protection of personal data aimed at those who process personal data within the University;
  6. collaborate with the Data Controller, the DPO and the RTD in the periodic elaboration of a University Policy on IT security, proposing the adaptation of the paths and procedures to the laws and regulations in force, as well as the provisions of the Guarantor for the data protection;
  7. support the University Ethics Committee for Human Experimentation in the context of the opinions it issues, where it is necessary to resolve issues relating to the protection of personal data;
  8. drafting policies and guidelines on specific sectors / areas regarding data protection.