Student opinions
Students' opinion on teaching
To acquire the students' opinion on teaching, the University administers a survey to its students on a regular basis through the Esse3 student services portal.
The questionnaire is administered to all students: those who attend classes and those who, by their statements, attend less than 50% of classes. In general, students are asked to provide an opinion on the workload, the study materials, the organization of classes, their interest in the subject and their general degree of satisfaction. The survey is a requirement for the university's accreditation, but it is also a very important instrument to collect information that teaching staff and course programme directors need to monitor the quality of teaching and adopt any changes, where necessary, to resolve critical issues.
The evaluation exercise is carried out in compliance with the requirements set by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), and is part of the procedures included in the national framework for teaching quality assurance (Law 370/1999).
The questionnaire administered in the academic year 2023/24 is the same as the one distributed in the previous academic year (2022/23).
The results are displayed by academic year, grouped by Department/Centre and, in aggregated form, by programme of study.
Student opinion on exams
In January 2022 the University launched a new survey, "Opinioni sulla prova d’esame che ha sostenuto" (Your opinion on the exam), on all the courses that award at least 4 University credits (CFU). The survey explores several aspects related to learning assessments, to verify the appropriateness of learning materials provided by the teaching staff and of the logistics and organization of the exam. The survey therefore is another tool to monitor the quality of courses, but also provides new insights to improve the management of student careers and revise the programmes of study, as required by the guidelines of the AVA3 system (for self-evaluation, assessment, accreditation).
In the 2024 the text of some questions included in the questionnaire has been revised.