Rector | Flavio Deflorian |
Elected member | Alberto Bellin |
Elected member | Ivano Bison |
Elected member | Elena Ioriatti |
Elected member | Alberto Montresor |
Member designated by the Rector | Andrea Fracasso |
Member designated by the Rector | Andrea Giorgi |
Member designated by the Rector | Francesca Demichelis |
When including student representatives | Daniela Marchetti Giuliano Campagnolo |
The minutes of the meetings can be found at a meeting and scroll to the bottom of the page).
The documents attached to the minutes can be requested by email to uff.organicollegiali [at]
To contact the student representatives please email to: rapp.stud.senato.accademico [at]
Article 11 – Role and Power of the Academic Senate
1. The Academic Senate is the governing body of the University for teaching and research activities. It works with the Rector in directing, planning and coordinating teaching and research at the University and, taking into account the proposals of the individual departments and centres of the University, in planning teaching programmes and research and their implementation, in allocating resources and in recruiting professors and researchers.
2. In particular, the Academic Senate:
a) draws up and adopts, at the instigation of the Rector, the multiyear strategic plan of the University, taking into account the indications contained in the strategic plan proposals put forward by the departments and centres, which the Academic Senate implements on the basis of their academic and teaching quality and guaranteeing consistency between objectives and the resources available.
b) proposes the establishment and the closure of departments and centres to the Governing Board;
c) takes decisions regarding the recruitment of professors and researchers;
d) approves the degree course provision and proposes yearly to the Governing Board the planned number of students for the degree courses and the level of student fees;
e) defines criteria and means of self-assessment for teaching and research activities in the departments and centres;
f) ascertains, as part of the monitoring and self-evaluation processes defined by regulations adopted for that purpose, the extent of the achievement of the teaching and research objectives established by the strategic plan and by the multi-year strategic plans of departments and centres, and the quality levels attained in the departments and centres;
g) acts as a coordinator and link between the departments and centres and the different components of the university community, including through joint meetings with the University Council;
h) expresses an opinion regarding the University’s budgets and balance sheets;
i) proposes, decides and consults with regard to the Regulations as per Articles 25 and 37;
j) approves the Code of Ethics.
3. For the purposes as per paragraph 2 (c) the Academic Senate calls on the Commission for Recruitment and Career Development to define the general criteria to which the departments and centres and the appointed commissions must keep when seeking and assessing external and internal candidates, in particular in order to take full advantage of candidates well-known at the international level, and to ascertain the application of these criteria. The composition and the functioning of the Commission are governed by specific Regulations.