The University of Trento Research Etichs Committee has the main function of evaluating and expressing opinions on research projects involving humans presented by individual researchers or research groups belonging to the University or to affiliated Institutions, which imply risks for psychological and physical well-being of participants involved, and which may possibly also limit their right to privacy and information.
- Claudia Bonfiglioli - expert in cognitive neuroscience, psychologist
- Carlo Casonato - expert in legal matters - Vice President
- Guido Cavagnoli - medical examiner - President
- Simona Casarosa - expert in biology
- Lucia Galvagni - expert in bioethics
- Tiziano Gomiero - representative of the population
- Claudio Graiff - oncologist, vice president Etichs Committee APSS
- Paolo Guarda - privacy expert
- Niculae Sebe - computer science expert
- Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri - expert in social methodology