The Committee for recruitment and career advancement was established to improve the quality of recruitment procedures and provide assistance in the career development of researchers and academics.
The Committee:
- identifies and defines, after hearing the directors of the relevant academic bodies, the general reference criteria to be used in the different academic sectors for recruitment and career advancements procedures, with the aim of achieving a higher level of quality compared to the level required by national procedures;
- nominates the members of the University committees responsible for evaluation procedures and selects the referees when regulations or the Academic Senate so require;
- guarantees the maximum circulation, at national and international level, of information on selection procedures and comparative evaluations opened by the University in order to ensure the widest possible participation of candidates with top qualifications;
- formulates an opinion on the advancement of the single selection and advancement procedures or on direct hiring procedures;
- formulates an opinion on the evaluation criteria proposed by academic bodies;
- formulates an opinion on the application of periodic income increases and on other contractual aspects associated to the evaluation of the activities performed and results achieved;
- formulates an opinion on the candidates’ scientific and didactic profile for recruitment and advancement procedures that fall within the responsibility of the Academic Senate, on the latter’s request.
The Committee is composed as follows:
Barbara Marchetti | Faculty of Law (President) |
Sara Lorenzini | Department of Humanities and School of International Studies |
Massimo Pellizzari | Department of Industrial Engineering |
Manuela Piazza | Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science and Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences |
Alessandro Quattrone | Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology |