Programme's Website

PhD Director: Prof.ssa Maria Paola Paladino
Vice-director: Prof. Francesco Vespignani 

The Doctoral Programme in Psychological Sciences and Education aims at training experts with advanced knowledge of research methods and techniques in psychology and education. Students can use such knowledge in two areas: basic research and applied research;
a) Basic research on cognitive processes: inferential processes, decision making and probabilistic reasoning; production, comprehension and acquisition of language; categorization processes; learning processing, communicative skills.
b) Applied research in the following areas: economic area (consumers’ behaviour, development of managers’ decisional and contractual skills), health area (reasoning and decisional processes in the medical field, evaluation of professional risks and contraction of illnesses and infections, evaluation of cognitive functions, planning and control of rehabilitative treatments in the neuropsychological area), rehabilitation procedures with skills in diagnosis for people with atypical development), ergonomic and technology area (planning and evaluation of multimedia interfaces, interaction systems between humans and computers, testing of expert systems and decisional support systems), education (educational processes, planning, achievement and evaluation of actions related to the education of adults and social policies, independent planning and criticism of processes related to knowledge and personal identities, intercultural relations, professional training, planning and achievement of e-learning systems and multimedia education/vocation), organizational behaviour and work (analysis and management of individual careers, transitional processes to and on the job place, prevention of disabilities in the work area, learning and training in the workplace).

Areas:General Psychology
Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology
Developmental and Educational Psychology
Social Psychology
Organizational and work psychology
Dynamic Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Logic and Philosophy of Science
General and Social Pedagogy
Special Pedagogy and education
Medical Statistic
Political economy
Computer Science

Duration: 3 years