PhD students have to pay retirement contribution to INPS calculated on the amount of their scholarships (art. 2 par. 26 Law 335/95 and further amendments).
Currently the total rate amounts to 35,03% (or 24% if the recipient has already registered to other kind of compulsory insurance for retirement): 2/3 must be paid by the University, 1/3 by the PhD student.
Contributions are deducted directly from the bi-monthly installment and paid to INPS (National Social Security Institute) by the University of Trento.
For further information about the “Gestione Separata INPS”, see the INPS website.
Registration to “Gestione Separata INPS” is therefore mandatory*.
It can be finalized starting from November 1st, 2023, official starting date of the Academic Year.
1. Register at INPS at webpage HERE in order to get your PIN (Personal code); it is necessary to access INPS services.
2. The "Domanda di iscrizione alla Gestione Separata INPS” (Request for registration) can be processed only at the webpage HERE
3. The INPS registration receipt must be emailed to the relevant Doctorate Office (see Contacts below) by November 30, 2023.
*If you are an international student, you have the possibility to ask the University of Trento to fill out for you the necessary forms requested by INPS (Italian Social Security Agency). You should have found this option in the enrollment application.
Last update: June 14, 2023