How to start a co-tutelle de thèse

PhD students interested in starting a co-tutelle de thèse should fill in and submit the online application , enclosing the following documents:

  • PhD programme (scientific content of the Doctoral Programme) at the Host University;
  • letter of availability from a professor/scientific representative of the Host University to act as supervisor;
  • short research project to be developed within the co-tutelle programme (project summary);
  • time schedule outline.

The application, automatically forwarded to the relevant PhD Office and to the Secretary of the PhD Programme, will be evaluated by the PhD Programme Committee.
Once the Doctoral Board has decided on the activation of the PhD co-tutelle programme, it will be communicated to the interested parties and the General Agreement/Individual Agreement will be signed by the two Universities.
Upon signature of the General/Individual Agreement, the PhD student can register at the partner University.

Economic support

During the research period spent abroad within the co-tutelle programme, the PhD student (holder of a scholarship) can apply for a scholarship increase for a maximum of 18 months.
The Italian Ministry for University and Research and other institutions have started different actions to support the mobility towards France, Germany and Spain (see link in the "Useful links" box).