The Committee is a collective body with an advisory capacity regarding organizational, managerial and educational policies for PhD students and grant holders.

More specifically, the Committee expresses its opinion on: 

  • changes in the University Statute; 
  • changes in the Ethic Code; 
  • the University multiannual strategic plan, adopted by the Academic Senate, with reference to its impact on the management policies of the Doctoral Schools and grant holders; 
  • annual report on the implementation progress of the University strategic plan with reference to the parts mentioned in the previous paragraph; 
  • management of training and scientific activities for PhD students and grant holders; 
  • regulation regarding the access to services for staff;
  • regulation regarding the research grant;
  • regulation regarding the Doctoral Schools. 

The Council is composed of one Ph.D. student and one grant holder from each Department and Center, chosen from the elected representatives in the Council of the academic structure.

Dr. Giacomo Gallo is the President of the Council.

To contact him, please write to: presidenteconsultadottass [at]