The University Regulations for Doctoral Programmes are applied for this (see Rector’s decree nr. 250 of  March 11, 2022), in particular TITLE V – AWARD OF THE TITLE.

The final examination must be held within 6 months of the official end of the Programme, except when an extension has been approved.

Evaluation procedure

Doctoral candidates admitted to final examination by the Doctoral  Programme Committee shall submit their thesis for evaluation to at least two external referees appointed by the Doctoral Committee.   

Referees will provide a written evaluation; they can also propose:

  • admission to the oral defense of the thesis;
  • postponement period up to 6 months (in case of major revisions).

Once the period of postponement will be over, the doctoral candidate will be admitted to the final examination anyway.
Referees will provide a second written evaluation based on the suggested adjustments or additions.   

Public defense

Once referees will have provided their evaluation, the Doctoral Programme Committee will appoint the members of the Committee for final examination.
Final examination will take place in front of the Examination Committee and consist of a public discussion of the thesis.
Date and time of the examination will be provided to the candidates via university email account or will be published and advertised via the university website.
Doctoral candidates shall send a copy of their thesis to each and every member of the Committee once the composition of the Committee has been notified.

Notice: information regarding the timeline for the delivery of the thesis to the Doctoral Committee and  to the supervisors to the end of delivering the thesis to the external referees is available at the Secretariat of your doctoral programme.


PhD candidates must self-archive at least 10 days before the date set for final examination, at

  • the final version of their thesis in electronic format (.pdf);
  • the Deposit Disclaimer (.pdf).

Information about IRIS is available at the webpage Research outputs management.

The Guidelines for uploading Doctoral theses is available in the Phd Thesis section on the web page IRIS.