The European Commission has set up bilateral agreements between the European Union and some industrialised countries outside Europe to fund innovative projects that focus on academic cooperation and student mobility. The programmes under these agreements give support to consortia of higher education and training institutions working together to improve their educational services, to compare and modernise curricula and to develop joint study programmes with recognition of credits and qualifications. In particular, the three bilateral co-operation programmes in which our institution has been involved are:
- EU-US Atlantis Programme
- EU-CANADA Cooperation Programme
- Education Cooperation Programme under the framework of the industrial countries instrument (ICI ECP)
Please find below the projects the University of Trento participated which are closed.
EU-US Atlantis Programme
Duration: 2007-2012
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
- TU München (Germany)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Short description: The EU-USA Agreement focused on implementing joint or dual transatlantic undergraduate degrees with consortia of higher education and training institutions through the ATLANTIS programme. It aimed primarily to promote understanding between people of the European Union and the United States of America and improve the quality of their human resource development. The partner universities jointly offered a two-year Master of Science in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. The program provided students with the right mix of science, engineering, and application, preparing them for a professional life in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. Upon mobility at Home and Host Universities, joint research thesis under the support of a joint tutorship and successful completion of the dual degree program, both the US and EU degree were awarded.
TLP: Atlantis Supported Exchanges for Transnational Legal Education
Duration: 2008-2012
Coordinator: Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
- Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Washington University School of Law (USA)
- Católica Global School of Law (Portugal)
- Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Facolty of Law
Short description: The EU-USA Agreement focused on implementing joint or dual transatlantic undergraduate degrees with consortia of higher education and training institutions through the ATLANTIS programme. It aimed primarily to promote understanding between people of the European Union and the United States of America and improve the quality of their human resource development.The TLP has been an international and interuniversity effort to identify and educate truly transnational lawyers and professionals. It has been indeed a competitive grant program with the purpose of promoting a student centered, transatlantic dimension to higher education in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines.
EU-CANADA Cooperation Programme
CELAB - Canada and the European Union as Laboratories
Duration: 2008-2012
Coordinator: Università degli studi di Trento
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Carleton University (Canada)
- University of Victoria (Canada)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: School of International Studies
Short description: The EU-Canada Programme funded joint study and training programmes allowing transatlantic exchanges between European and Canadian education institutions with the aims of improving knowledge and learning of the institutional, cultural and language systems of the countries involved in the Project, fostering the quality of human resources and facilitating the acquisition of the expertise necessary to face the global economic system based on knowledge. The CELAB project foresaw enrichment of curricula and students exchange programs with the acknowledgement of credits and international stages.
CSEN - Civil Society Educational Network
Duration: 2008-2011
Coordinator: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Università degli studi di Trento (Italy)
- Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom)
- Carleton University (Canada)
- University of Winnipeg (Canada)
- McGill University (Canada)
UniTrento Departments/Centres: Facolty of Economics, Facolty of Sociology, ISSAN (Institute for the Development of Non-Profit Organisations)
Short description: The EU-Canada Programme funded joint study and training programmes allowing transatlantic exchanges between European and Canadian education institutions. CSEN recruited students from a variety of disciplines (political science, public administration, urban studies, business administration) to participate in the transatlantic exchanges, including those seeking careers as practitioners and leaders of civil society organizations and social enterprises, policy analysts and program officers in government, community investment managers in corporations, grant officers in goundations.