Lavoro agile: esperienze, sfide e opportunità 10 December 2018 Seminary |
Anche l'Università di Trento al fianco delle donne 17-29 November 2018 Numerous initiatives were organized and supported by the University of Trento on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women |
WIRUN TRENTO 25 November 2018 5 km to say NO to violence against women |
Con Noi all'Università An open doors event for UniTrento employees and their families and friends 9 November 2018 |
Competition for the award of 2 masters dissertation awards for works exploring female entrepreneurship - 2018 |
Come mettere in pratica bilancio e linguaggio di genere negli atenei? 10 May 2018 With Annalisa Oboe, Prorector for Cultural, Social and Gender Relations, University of Padova - and Barbara Poggio, Prorector for Equality and Diversity Policies at the University of Trento |
2017 Wirun Italy - Trento "Una corsa per dire NO alla violenza contro le donne" 26 November 2017 On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Women In Run has organized a non-competitive run through the streets of the city centre of Trento. UniTrento sponsors and supports the initiative. |
Donne e appartenenze confessionali tra diritto dello Stato e diritti religiosi 23-24 November The purpose of the Conference is to examine in detail the interaction between a secular rule of law and religious law, from the perspective of women's rights. |
Aquila Basket: a World in a Word 13 October 2017 A presentation of the research work conducted by prof. Cristiano Vezzoni and the University of Trento on the project carried out by Dolomiti Energia with EU funding |
Summerlabs June - September 2017 2017 Summer initiatives for the children of UniTrento staff |
#bethechange |
Presentation of the book "Some Men: Feminist Allies and the Movement to End Violence Against Women" 24 May 2017 With the author: Michael A. Messner - University of Southern California |
Mostra "LIBERE E SOVRANE. Le ventuno donne che hanno fatto la Costituzione" From 19 April to 15 May 2017 A touring exhibition. |
Well come! UNITrento for refugees 10 May 2017 Intercultural Meeting with Refreshments |
Dedication of room 421 to Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia 9 May 2017 The first woman in the world to receive a doctoral degree |
Libertà è partecipazione! 3-4-5 May 2017 in Udine. The role of women from education and training to labour and society. The work of equality organizations in universities |
Migrantes 7 April 2017 The closing performance of the "Laboratorio Teatrale Interculturale" |
Inclusione scolastica e Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico 1 April 2017 Inclusive education and Autism Spectrum Disorders: from teacher training to the design of inclusive programmes. Experiences and perspectives from kindergarten to university |
Contrastare violenza e molestie negli Atenei 24 March 2017 Fighting violence and harassment in universities. A meeting for ombudspersons and members of equality bodies |
Nuovi bambini, nuove famiglie: bisogni, risorse, proposte 23 March 2017 Round Table (New children, new families: needs, resources, proposals) |
Scientific Refugees: Transnational Resources 13-17 March 2017 |
Premio per la migliore tesi di laurea magistrale e di dottorato sul tema del contrasto alla violenza contro le donne - edizione 2017 2017 award for the best master dissertation and doctoral thesis on fighting violence against women |
Corso di autodifesa personale per sole donne Course start: 15 February 2017 Self defence for women only at the San Bartolameo gym, on Wednesday, 19.00 - 20.00 - Instructor: Federico Reali |
IN VIAGGIO!? tra partenza e permanenza, identità e alterità An intercultural theatre festival 10, 11 and 12 February 2017 |
Gender studies: interdisciplinary perspectives |
Trentino Young Scientist Challenge 21 April 2017 The purpose of the challenge is to introduce junior high school students to science through the methodological approach of learning by doing. |
Saperi di genere 20-21 January 2017 A cross-sector and interdisciplinary conference to encourage debate on gender across four topics: university and academic careers; social organizations; rights and policies; education and training. |
Progetto suXr This is one of the initiatives that UniTrento has started with Cinformi and the Autonomous Province of Trento within the "Asylum seekers at the University" project to encourage the social integration of migrants through interaction with the University and its students. |
Stop alla violenza sulle donne! 1 December 2016 On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November), UniTrento has participated in the series of initiatives promoted by UN Women - Italian National Committee with UniSpORANGE! |
Intervista a Monica Carlin come testimonianza alla Giornata contro la violenza sulle donne |
2016 WIRUN ITALY – TRENTO "Una corsa per dire NO alla violenza" 20 November 2016 On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Women In Run has organized a non-competitive run through the streets of the city centre of Trento. UniTrento sponsors and supports the initiative. |
Premio Valeria Solesin: bando per tesi di laurea An award for young graduates to remember Valeria Solesin, the Italian researcher at the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne who was killed in the Paris terrorist attack of 13 November 2015 at the Bataclan theatre. |
100 donne contro gli stereotipi per la scienza 3 November 2016 - Genova 100 women-scientists online - The signs of time |
Mostra: "Migranti, la sfida dell'incontro" From 17 to 28 October 2016 at the Department of Sociology and Social Research A touring exhibition on the reception of migrants in Italy through pictures, data and testimonies. |
Disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento e Università: esperienze in UniTrento 5 October 2016 Specific Learning Disabilities: European Dyslexia Awareness Week. |
SummerLab From 13 to 17 June 2016 A series of initiatives for the summer of 2016 for the children of UniTrento staff. |
Con noi all'Università 6 May 2016 Extraordinary opening of University premises to staff family members. |
Gli Organismi di parità universitari: un impegno per il benessere delle persone e dell'organizzazione 18 March 2016 A day to discuss and exchange views on organizational wellbeing in universities: experiences, instruments, ongoing projects. |
UniTrento Sport contro la violenza sulle donne! 25-26 November 2015 On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) UniSport, the sport network created by UniTrento, Opera Universitaria and CUS Trento, has joined a series of initiatives promoted by UN Women - Italian National Committee. |
European Dyslexia Awareness Week 5-11 October 2015 A week of meetings and workshops in schools to learn about dyslexia from students and teachers. |