In cooperation with the Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) Trento (as per par. 2 of art. 2 of DM 45/2013).
First cohort in the Academic year 2019/2020 (35° cycle).
Director: Prof. Gerardo Puopolo
Deputy-Director: Prof. Paola Foladori
Aims of the programme
The PhD programme aims at training researchers of international standing, able to design and carry out research in topics related to agri-food and environmental sciences. During the programme, the student will acquire knowledge and skills in a multidisciplinary research area concerning modern agriculture and more generally the anthropic interaction with the environment. The objective is fostering scientific training in the sector of valuable and smart agriculture, focusing on quality food and mitigation of the environmental impact, and sustainable use of environmental resources. The course also aims to train researchers capable of actively contributing to the economic, technological and scientific improvement of the agri-food and environmental sectors, with particular attention to well-being and collective health, preserving natural resources under a circular economy perspective.
Scientific Areas
AGR/01 Agricultural economics and rural appraisal
AGR/03 Arboriculture and Fruitculture
AGR/05 Forestry and Silviculture
AGR/07 Agrarian Genetics
AGR/09 Agricultural Mechanics
AGR/11 General and Applied Entomology
AGR/12 Plant Pathology
AGR/15 Food Sciences
AGR/20 Aquaculture, poultry and rabbit science
BIO/03 Environmental and Applied Botanics
BIO/04 Vegetal Physiology
BIO/05 Zoology
BIO/07 Ecology
CHIM/01 Analytical Chemistry
CHIM/10 Food Chemistry
FIS/06 Physics for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
GEO/04 Physical Geography and Geomorphology
ICAR/01 Hydraulics
ICAR/02 Maritime Hydraulic Construction and Hydrology
ICAR/03 Environmental and Health Engineering
ING-IND/24 Principles of Chemical Engineering
IUS/03 Agrarian Law
SPS/07 General Sociology
SPS/11 Sociology of Political Phenomena
VET/06 Parasitology and Parasitic Animal Diseases
Duration: 3 years
Official language: English.