Updated September 13, 2023
School of Social Sciences
Notice of selection for the awarding of n. 1 research grant for the filling of a position in the HE MSCA-DN - RE-WORLDING
Biomolecular sciences
EU project: PROTOMET (Cycle 35)
Name: ANJU (India)
Main institution: UniTrento
EU project: SMABEYOND (Cycle 36)
Name: SHARMA Gaurav (India)
Main institution: CNR - IBF Trento (Istituto di Biofisica)
EU project: ROPES (Cycle 37)
Name: YILMAZ Hasan (Turkey) - POULENTZAS Georgios (Greece) - PEULA CORDERO Carlos Francisco (Spain)
Main institution: UniTrento
Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
EU project: XP-RESILIENCE (Cycle 32)
Name: Randaxhe JÉRÔME MICHEL SIMON (Belgio)
Main institution: UniTrento
EU project: RE-FRACTURE2 (Cycle 37)
Name: PANDE Shubhra (India) - FIORE Lorenzo (Italy) - ANRHOUR Kaoutar (Morocco)
Main institution: UniTrento
Industrial Innovation
EU project: REPAIRS (Cycle 37)
Name: BONFIGLIO Alessandro (Italy)
Main institution: COREHAB SRL
EU project: PIONEER (Cycle 35)
Name: SALDEN Toine Peter Willem (The Netherlands)
Main institution: UniTrento
Agrifood and Environmental Sciences
EU project: FOODTRANET (Cycle 37)
Name: ANDERSEN Jonas Bylov Hedegaard (Denmark) - GIANNIOTI Zoi (Greece)
Main institution: FEM