Applications are welcome from students who:
- have a high school diploma;
- are enrolled in the 4-year Bachelor's degree programme in Administraciòn de Empresas at UDE;
- have a B2 level of Italian (with certificate);
- have passed the selection process.
The selection process consists of:
1. a written exam that takes place every year in October in Montevideo-Uruguay (an application fee may apply).
To take the exam, candidates must register using the online application tool within the deadline set by UniTrento.
This exam, in Italian, will assess basic mathematical knowledge and basic science, and will include questions about logic and reasoning.
2. an online interview in Italian (for the candidates that pass the written exam) with an UniTrento academic board which will assess the candidates on the basis of their motivation and CV.
UniTrento will inform UDE about the students who have accepted to participate in the programme.
The accepted students will have to confirm their interest in studying at UniTrento and will be supported by UniTrento to obtain their student visa in due time to begin the Bachelor in Trento by the end of August.
Before moving to UniTrento, students will provide:
- their certificate of enrollment at UDE;
- a B2 level of Italian certificate. This has to be acquired before the mobility to Trento takes place.
Students participating in this DDP cannot apply for Opera Universitaria grants.
Candidates can apply for the Bachelor's degree in Gestione Aziendale (Business Management).
The programme lasts for 3 semesters. The accepted students will spend the 1st semester (January - July) at UDE, then move to UniTrento by the end of August, where they will spend one year and a half (3 semesters).
Once they have completed the coursework requirements set by UniTrento, UDE will credit the courses taken at UniTrento.
Students will also need to complete the coursework requirements and thesis-writing requirements set by UDE by attending 4 more semesters at UDE after the mobility in Trento.
Courses are taught in Italian.
Students participating in the programme pay their tuition fees to UniTrento. The fees, agreed by both institutions, amount to 2,000.00 euro per semester (which means 6,000.00 euro for the whole programme). Students must also purchase 3 tax stamps of 16 euro each for administrative procedures (available from post offices, banks and tobacconists).
The final thesis shall be written and defended at UDE.
The thesis committee should include a member from the partner institution.
At the end of the programme, the students obtain:
- a Laurea in Gestione Aziendale from UniTrento, and
- a Licenciatura in Administraciòn de Empresas from UDE.