Under Horizon 2020 Programme, the University of Trento has been involved in 133 funded projects (+ 5 Cascade funding). .
Pillar 1 - Excellence Science
ERC - European Research Council
- CHANGE - CHallenges in ANalysis and GEometry, between mean and scalar curvature - Department of Matemathics - Alessandro Carlotto (at UniTrento from 1/9/2022; transferred from ETH, Zurich)
- ALPI - ALl optical signal recovery by Photonic neural network Integrated in a transceiver module - Department of Physics - Lorenzo Pavesi
- StrEnQTh - Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory - Department of Physics - Philipp Hans Juergen Hauke (at UniTrento from 1/11/2019; transferred from Ruprecht-Karls Universitaet Heidelberg)
- VACCIBIOME - Cancer Vaccines and Gut Microbiome: a rational approach to optimize cancer immunotherapy - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Guido Grandi
- SPANUMBRA - Number-space associations in the brain - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Giorgio Vallortigara
- NeuroSoNew - Portable EEG-based screening of social predispositions in newborns - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Giorgio Vallortigara
- NOAM - Navigation of a mind-space. The spatial organization of declarative knowledge - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Roberto Bottini
- Backup - Unveiling the relationship between brain connectivity and function by integrated photonics - Department of Physics - Lorenzo Pavesi
- MoVis - An innovative screening protocol device for early identification of neonates at high-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Giorgio Vallortigara
- OMVCRC - Engineered bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) for colorectal cancer immunotherapy - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Guido Grandi
- VARIAMOLS - VAriable ResolutIon Algorithms for macroMOLecular Simulation - Department of Physics - Raffaello Potestio
- MetaPG - Culture-free strain-level population genomics to identify disappearing human-associated microbes in the westernized world - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- HOMing - The Home-Migration Nexus: Home as a Window on Migrant Belonging, Integration and Circulation - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Paolo Boccagni
- SILKENE - Bionic silk with graphene or other nanomaterials spun by silkworms - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- SPICE - Synthetic Lethal Phenotype Identification through Cancer Evolution Analysis - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Francesca Demichelis
- CRASK - Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Scott Laurence Fairhall
Future & emerging technologies (FET)
- SILENCE - acouStIc metamateriaL for MRI noisE caNCEllation - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- BioMetaRail - Bioinspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials for Railways - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- EPIQUS - Electronic-photonic integrated quantum simulator platform - Department of Physics - Lorenzo Pavesi
- BOHEME - Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- WeNet;- The Internet of US - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
- ACDC - Artificial Cells with Distributed Cores to Decipher Protein Function - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Martin Michael Hanczyc
- QRANGE-Quantum Random Number Generators:cheaper, faster and more secure - Department of Physics - Lorenzo Pavesi
- PROCHIP - Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy on a CHIP - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Alessio Zippo
- Phoenix - Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Giovanni Iacca
- WhiteRabbit - WhiteRabbit: easily revealing and managing personal information - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
- Neurofibres - Biofunctionalised Electroconducting Microfibres for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- LIAR - Living Architecture - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Martin Michael Hanczyc
- ExaHyPE - An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Michael Dumbser
- QUIC - Quantum simulations of insulators and conductors - Department of Physics - Sandro Stringari
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
IF - (Individual Fellowships) - EF (European Fellowships)
- SynBioGov - A framework for the fair and responsible governance of synthetic biology - School of International Studies - Louisa Rosemary Parks (MSCA Fellow: Elisavet Tsioumani)
- MUSRES - Musica Restituta. Retrieving Hidden Chant from Medieval Palimpsest Manuscripts - Department of Humanities - Marco Gozzi (MSCA Fellow:Giovanni Varelli)
- FreezingBioprotector - Understanding the role of microbiome interactions in the freezing stress tolerance of plants - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Ilaria Pertot (MSCA Fellow: Malek Khaled Mahmoud Marian)
- RoCS - Roots of Communication - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Giorgio Vallortigara (MSCA Fellow: Tauzin Tibor)
- MCAPEFA - Low-cost multispectral camera for Precision Farming Application - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Lorenzo Bruzzone - (MSCA Fellow: Marko Barjaktarovic)
- ISLAND - An integrated setup for in-vitro optogenetic experiments using AI to localize stimulation with a feedback of electrophysiological signals - Department of Physics - Lorenzo Pavesi - (MSCA Fellow: Ilya Auslender)
- DIGI-EMP - International experiences of digital empowerment in a climate justice frame - School of International Studies - Louisa Rosemary Parks (MSCA Fellow: Suay Özkula)
- CytoTERRA - Elucidating the function of telomeric transcripts in the cytoplasm of ALT osteosarcoma cells - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Emilio Cusanelli (MSCA Fellow: Katarina Juríková)
- QuiescStemGBM - Studying the role of Quiescent Cancer Stem Cells in GBM development using a novel in vivo cell cycle-based approach - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Luca Tiberi (MSCA Fellow: Francesco Antonica)
- PEMB - The Political Economy of Media Bias - Department of Economics and Management - Luigi Bonatti MSCA Fellow: Federico Vaccari)
- Prion Respiration - The Role of Complex I Assembly Factors during Prion Diseases: Insights into Mitochondrial Neurobiology - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Emiliano Biasini (MSCA Fellow: Gabriele Giachin)
- COMPLEXDYNAMICS-PHIM - On the Origin of Complex Dynamics in Multi-strain Models: Insights for Public Health Intervention Measures - Department of Mathematics - Andrea Pugliese (MSCA Fellow: Maira Aguiar)
- RhizoTalk - Decrypting the role of bacterial signals in microbial interactions to enhance Lysobacter establishment in the rhizosphere - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Ilaria Pertot (MSCA Fellow: Ana Bejarano Ramos)
- TRIANGLE - A novel integrative strategy to prevent colorectal cancer within the diet-host-microbiota triangle: from organoids to human in vivo reality - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Andrea Lunardi (MSCA Fellow: Rubert Josep)
- PROTEXPO - Protection and Exports - Department of Economics and Management - Chiara Tomasi (MSCA Fellow: Zhu Min)
- EwiSarc - A novel in vivo platform to study and target undruggable Ewing onco-chimera - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Andrea Lunardi (MSCA Fellow: Arianna Bertossi)
- SHYDRO-ALP - Quantifying ecological effects of small hydropower in Alpine stream ecosystems - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Guido Zolezzi (MSCA Fellow: Stefano Larsen)
- EpiMethFly - Study of the role of m6A RNA methylation in the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster: an invivo model to dissect the impact of epitranscriptome reprogramming in physiology and cancer - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Alessandro Quattrone (MSCA Fellow: Alessia Soldano)
- ExItALS - RNA-mediated intercellular miscommunication: role of extracellular vesicle cargos in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Alessandro Quattrone (MSCA Fellow: Manuela Basso)
- NonVisNumCog - The role vision plays in shaping the representation of numbers - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Olivier Marie Claire Collignon (MSCA Fellow: Virginie Jeanne Vinciane Crollen)
- BraIn Action - A New View on Real Actions: Neural Mechanisms of Visuo-Motor Transformations - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Luigi Cattaneo (MSC Researcher: MSCA FellowSimona Monaco)
- COcOAB - Characterizing the Occipital Oscillatory Activity in Blindness - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Olivier Marie Claire Collignon (MSCA Fellow: Valeria Occelli)
- TransSplicHD - Single-Cell Transcriptomics and Spliceosome analysis to uncover new mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability to Huntington’s Disease - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Yuri Bozzi (MSCA Fellow: Marta Biagioli)
- metaVir-Alp - Alpine lakes benthic viral community structure and diversity: a metagenomic and ecological approach - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata (MSCA Fellow: Federica Pinto)
- DiMeTrack - Assembly-based discovery of uncharacterized human microbiome members and their tracking across individuals and time - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata (MSCA Fellow: Edoardo Pasolli)
- CP-FunMoD - Cross-modal plasticity and functional modularisation in the deaf - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Olivier Marie Claire Collignon (MSCA Fellow: Jodie Davies) - at UniTrento until 31/3/2016
- SEEING FROM CONTEXT - The neural basis of visual interaction between scenes and objects - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Clayton Michael Hyckey (MSCA Fellow:Talia Brandman Ghitis)
- River-HMV - River hydraulics, morphology, and vegetation: A case for improved knowledge and numerical model capabilities - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Walter Bertoldi (MSCA Fellow: Luke Javernick)
- LOVe - Linking Objects to Vectors in distributional semantics: A framework to anchor corpus-based meaning representations to the external world - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Marco Baroni (MSCA Fellow: Gemma Boleda)
- StreptoMANIAC - Cost and benefit of beta-lactam resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: interplay between the resistance determinants and the cell elongation/division components - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Orietta Massidda (MSCA Fellow: Dalia Denapaite)
IF - (Individual Fellowships) - GF (Global Fellowships)
- CODE_FLUX - Cultural Codes in Crisis: Unsettled Civil Spheres in Brexit, the 2016 US Presidential Election, and the 2017 German Federal Election - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Mario Diani (MSC Researcher: Jason Mast)
- NeuroMath - Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts in the Human Brain - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CiMEC) - Manuela Piazza (MSC Researcher: Marie Amalric)
ITN (Innovative Training networks) - ETN (European Training Networks)
- LIGHTEN - Ultralight membrane structures towards a sustainable environment - Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Francesco Dal Corso
- ROPES - ROles of ePitranscriptomic in diseasES - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Alessandro Quattrone
- MINTS - Millimeter-wave Networking and Sensing for Beyond 5G - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Paolo Casari
- ACO - AstroChemical Origins - Physics - Daniela Ascenzi
- INSPIRE - Innovative ground interface concepts for structure protection - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Oreste Salvatore Bursi
- ProtoMet - Protometabolic pathways: exploring the chemical roots of systems biology - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Sheref Samir Mansy
- INTEGRATA - Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target cancer metabolism - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Alessandro Provenzani
- EUROFLOW - A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering- Guido Zolezzi
- XP-RESILIENCE - Extreme loading analysis of petrochemical plants and design of metamaterial-based shields for enhanced resilience - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Oreste Salvatore Bursi
- NeCS - European Training Network for Cyber-security - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Bruno Crispo
ITN (Innovative Training networks) – EJD (European Joint Doctorates)
- PIONEER - Plasma catalysis for CO2 recycling and green chemistry - Department of Physics - Paolo Tosi
ITN (Innovative Training networks) – EID (European Industrial Doctorates)
- RE-FRACTURE2 - Modelling and optimal design of refractories for high-temperature industrial applications for a low carbon society - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Andrea Piccolroaz
RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Scheme)
- SHIFT - Shaping Innovative Designs for Sustainable Tissue Engineering Products - Department of Industrial engineering - Antonella Motta
- diaRNAgnosis - A novel platform for the direct profiling of circulating cell-free ribonucleic acids in biofluids - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Michela Alessandra Denti
- PEARLS - Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable Energy Landscapes - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Rossano Albatici
- REMIX - Regenerative Medicine Innovation Crossing - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange in Regenerative Medicine - Department of Industrial engineering - Antonella Motta
- DREAM - Social Participation for improving emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing in independently living older adults - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fabio Casati
- miRNA-DisEASY - microRNA biomarkers in an innovative biophotonic sensor kit for high-specific diagnosis - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Michela Alessandra Denti
European research infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures)
- RItrainPlus - Research Infrastructure Training Plus - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Valentina Adami
- COMFOCUS - Communities on Food Consumer Science - Department of Economics and Management - Roberta Raffaelli
- EoCoE-II - Energy Oriented Center of Excellence: toward exascale for energy - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Alberto Bellin
- INSTANT - Imaging in space-time and tracking (Cascade funding) - Department of Industrial engineering - Gian Franco Dalla Betta
- CHEDDAR - Polymer optimization in collaboration with FBK. X-ray, γ-ray and proton radiation testing (Cascade funding) - Department of Industrial engineering - Alberto Quaranta
- SERA - Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Oreste Salvatore Bursi
- EoCoE - Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Alberto Bellin
Pillar 2 - Industrial Leadership
Cross cutting activities
- Waste2Fresh - Smart innovative system for recycling wastewater and creating closed loops in textile manufacturing industrial processes - Department of Physics - Michele Orlandi
Information and Communication Technologies
- TrueBees - Digital forensics and blockchain technology against deceptive deepfake imaging in social media (Cascade funding) - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Giulia Boato
- SLEDGE - Shoulder Loads in Exoskeleton-assisted Daily life Gestures (Cascade funding) - Department of Industrial engineering - Mariolino De Cecco
- AI4Copernicus - Reinforcing the AI4EU Platform by Advancing Earth Observation Intelligence, Innovation and Adoption - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Lorenzo Bruzzone
- AssureMOSS - Assurance and certification in secure Multi-party Open Software and Services - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fabio Massacci
- TAILOR - Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Andrea Passerini
- AI4Media - A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Niculae Sebe
- SPRING - Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Elisa Ricci
- BULLET - Benchmarking Upper Limbs Loads on Exoskeleton Testbeds (Cascade funding) - Department of Industrial engineering - Mariolino De Cecco
- MEMMO - Memory of Motion - Industrial engineering - Andrea Del Prete
- CyberSec4Europe - Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fabio Massacci
- ExtremeEarth - From Copernicus Big Data to Extreme Earth Analytics -Department of Information engineering and computer science - Lorenzo Bruzzone
- QROWD - Because Big Data Integration is Humanly Possible - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
- Dreams4Cars - Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars - Department of Industrial engineering - Mauro Da Lio
- PIE News - Poverty, Income and Employment NEWS - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Antonella De Angeli
- CogNet - Building an Intelligent System of Insights and Action for 5G Network Management - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Alessandro Moschitti
- netCommons: network infrastructure as commons - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Renato Antonio Lo Cigno
Pillar 3 - Societal Challenges
Health, demographic change & wellbeing
- PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
- IHMCSA - International Human Microbiome Coordination and Support Action - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- InteropEHRate - INTEROPerable EHRs AT user Edge - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
- UPGRADE - Unlocking Precision Gene Therapy - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Anna Cereseto
- ONCOBIOME - Gut OncoMicrobiome Signatures (GOMS) associated with cancer incidence, prognosis and prediction of treatment response - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- CO-ADAPT - Adaptive Environments and Conversational Agent Based approaches for Healthy Ageing and Work Ability - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Giuseppe Riccardi
- CAPTAIN - Coach Assistant via Projected and Tangible Interface - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Giandomenico Nollo
- UM Cure 2020 - New therapies for uveal melanoma - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Caterina Mione
- UNCAP - Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Nicola Conci
- ACANTO - A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Luigi Palopoli
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy
- ONEforest - A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System For A Common Forest Management to Strengthen Forest Resilience, Harmonise Stakeholder Interests and Ensure Sustainable Wood Flows - Department of Industrial engineering - Andrea Dorigato
- MASTER - Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise - Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Nicola Segata
- RELACS - Replacement of Contentious Inputs in organic farming Systems - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Ilaria Pertot (linked third party)
- InnoForESt - Smart Information, governanceand business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
Secure, clean and efficient energy
- WETFEET - Wave Energy Transition to Future by Evolution of Engineering and Technology - Department of Industrial engineering - Marco Fontana
Smart, green and integrated tranport
- SAFE STRIP - Safe and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive aPplicationss - Department of Industrial engineering - Francesco Biral
- PACAS - Participatory Architectural Change Management in ATM Systems - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Paolo Giorgini
- LOWBRASYS - a LOW environmental impact BRAke SYStem - Department of Industrial engineering - Giovanni Straffelini
Climate action, environment, resource efficiency & raw materials
- SISTERS - Systemic Innovations for a SusTainable reduction of the EuRopean food waStage - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Flavia Gasperi (linked third party)
- ARV - Climate Positive Circular Communities - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Rossano Albatici
- NextGEMS - Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering- Simona Bordoni
- SOLSA - Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time - Department of Industrial engineering - Luca Lutterotti
- ESMERALDA - Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
- ISEED - Inclusive Science and European Democracies - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
- reCreating Europe - Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe - Law faculty- Roberto Caso
- Re.Cri.Re - Between the representation of the crisis and the crisis of representation. How crisis changed the symbolic background of European societies and identities. Implication for policies and policy making - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
- BuildERS - Building European Communities' Resilience and Social Capital - Department of Economics and Management - Lucia Savadori
- VisiOn - Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Environments - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Paolo Giorgini
Transversal programmes
Spreading society and widening participation
- RENATURE - Promoting Research Excellence in NAture-based soluTions for innovation, sUstainable economic GRowth and human wEll-being in Malta - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Davide Geneletti
- CyCAT - Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Fausto Giunchiglia
Science with and for Society
- SMART-ER - ECIU University Research Institute for Smart European Regions - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Maurizio Marchese
- SOPs4RI - Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity - Department of Sociology and Social Research - Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
- MULTI-ACT - A Collective Research Impact Framework and multi-variate models to foster the true engagement of actors and stakeholders in Health Research and Innovation - Department of Economics and Management - Michele Andreaus
- PRINTEGER - Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research - Department of Sociology and social research - Massimiano Bucchi
Other European programmes (2014-2020)
Europe Aid
SWIM - Saving Water, Growing Crops: remote-controlled irrigation system to address water scarcity and promote preservation of available freshwater resources - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Guido Zolezzi
Research Fund Coal and Steel (RFCS)
- FISHWALL - FIre and Seismic performances of Hybrid fire WALLs in case of single-storey industrial and commercial steel buildings - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Tondini
- Failnomore - Mitigation of the risk of progressive collapse in steel and composite building frames under exceptional events - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nadia Baldassino
- DISSIPABLE - Fully dissipative and easily reparable devices for resilient buildings with composite steel-concrete structures - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Tondini, Oreste Salvatore Bursi
- LOCAFIplus - Temperature assessment of a vertical steel member subjected to ocalised fire - Valorisation - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Tondini
- SlimApp - Slim-Floor Beams - Preparation of Application rules in view of improved safety, functionality and LCA - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Riccardo Zandonini
Life programme
- LIFE GREEN VULCAN - High performance devulcanized masterbatches for End-of-Life Tire reuse in high-volume technical compounding applications - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Nicola Pugno
- LIFE 4GreenSteel - Excellent Model for High Strength PM Steel parts production by resource and energy efficiency and CO2 and REACH decrease - Department of Industrial engineering - Alberto Molinari
- LIFE-FUTURE4COPPICES - Shaping future forestry for sustainable coppices in southern Europe: the legacy of past management trials - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Duccio Rocchini
- LIFE BrennerLEC - Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - DIno Zardi
- LIFE FRANCA - Flood Risk ANticipation and Communication in the Alps - Department of Sociology and social research - Roberto Poli
Justice (2014-2020)
- FRICoRe - Fundamental Rights In Courts and Regulation - Law faculty - Paola Iamiceli
- REJus- Roadmap to European effective Justice (RE-Jus): judicial training ensuring effective redress to fundamental rights violations - Law faculty - Paola Iamiceli
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
- Hatemeter- Hate speech tool for monitoring, analysing and tackling Anti-Muslim hatred - Law faculty - Andrea Di Nicola
Internal Security Fund
- SceMaps - State Capture Estimation and Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Policies at the Sectoral level - Law faculty - Andrea Di Nicola
- FINOCA 2.0 - Financing Organized Crime Activities - Focus on Human Trafficking - Law faculty - Andrea Di Nicola
- EU OF2CEN - European On-line Fraud Cyber Centre and Expert Network - Department of Information engineering and computer science - Bruno Crispo
- PayBack - Towards a EU Data Management System for Seized Assets - Law faculty - Andrea Di Nicola
- The Private Corruption Barometer - Drafting and piloting a model for a comparative business victimization survey on private corruption in the EU - Law faculty - Andrea Di Nicola
Europe for citizens (2014-2020)
- WAI - Walls and Integration: images of Europe bulding - Department of Humanities - Gustavo Corni
- +100 Cal - +100 Calendar - Department of Humanities - Gustavo Corni
- FOOdIVERSE - Diversifying sustainable and organic food systems - Department of Sociology and social research - Francesca Forno
- PLATEFORMS - Sustainable Food Platforms: Enabling sustainable food practices through socio-technical innovation - Department of Sociology and social research - Francesca Forno, Emanuela Bozzini, Natalia Magnani
- HEALTHMARK - Salute metabolica attraverso la nutrizione, microbiota e biomarcatori del triptofano - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Fulvio Mattivi
- STEEP STREAMS - Solid Transport Evaluation and Efficiency in Prevention: Sustainable Techniques of Rational Engineering and Advanced MethodS - Department of Civil, environmental and mechanical engineering - Aronne Armanini
JPI - Joint Programming Initiatives
- VITISMART - Toward a sustainable viticulture: improved grapevine productivity and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses by combining resistant cultivars and beneficial microorganisms - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Maria Stella Grando
- FOODBALL - The Food Biomarkers Alliance - Center for Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) - Fulvio Mattivi