Refrigerating container
Department/Centre: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Inventors: Fabio Massacci (UniTrento), Matthias Crichlow Caretta, Francesco Minna, Gabriele Fadini, Yangzhe Kong, Teyi Kung, Riccardo Sparagna
Fields of use: customer device for individual consumption or it can be sold to restaurants
Keywords: ICT Innovation for product design and development
Bibliographical data: application number: 102020000032435 (Italian filing); priority date: 24/12/2020
Assignees: Università di Trento
Availability: available for license or assignment
The invention consists in a thermally isolated container which allows the conservation and refrigeration of a single bottle. Each container has a cooling module that is completely autonomous that allows to set independent temperature for each of the containers. The product is modular, portable and customizable.
Training device for pianists and training system comprising at least one device
Department/Centre: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Inventors: Fabio Massacci (UniTrento), Jacopo Bercellesi (UniTrento), Vera Benedetto (UniTrento), Nicola Fiorello (UniTrento), Zilong Li (UniTrento), Luca Martinelli (UniTrento), Sergio Povoli (UniTrento), Edoardo Righi (UniTrento)
Fields of use: device for piano students or pianists
Keywords: Smart feedback, Finger, Exerciser, App, Safety, Exercises
Bibliographical data: application number: 102021000013439 (Italian filing); priority date: 24/05/2021
Assignees: Università di Trento
Availability: available for license or assignment
The invention concerns a device that allows pianists to train their fingers in the absence of a piano. As soon as the user starts exercising a hand by pressing one of the spring-loaded buttons, the device sends a connection request to a mobile application. Once connected, data collected via an optical sensor is sent, related to how the user is performing a certain exercise on the device (rhythm, pressure, time and accuracy of each finger). The results of the exercise execution are visually shown on the application through graphs, comments and statistics, thanks to evaluation algorithms.