ADI is the only national union for precarious workers in accademia and gives representation and protection to doctoral students, PhD graduates, research fellows and, more generally, young researchers in Italy. ADI works for the increase in the number and amount of doctoral scholarships, the overcoming of the doctorate without scholarship, the extension of the social safety nets to all the precarious research workers, the reform and funding of academic recruitment, the enhancement of the PhD title on the job market.
The local office in Trento is a point of reference for doctoral students and PhD graduates who work in Trento and nearby offices (Rovereto, Povo, San Michele, etc.), promoting meetup opportunities between doctoral students, providing support during and after the PhD program at the University of Trento through the Listening Desk: sportello.trento [at], and coordinating the representation of PhD and Researchers within the administrative offices of the University.
If interested, feel free to contact our local office: trento [at] or take a look at the national website
