The University of Trento announces the allocation of notebooks on loan for free use to University of Trento students according to their income (ISEE) and performance, complying with University of Trento taxes payment - if requested.

Notice for the academic year 2024/25 for those who are already beneficiaries of a computer on free loan from UniTrento.
It is reminded that the free PC loan service will expire upon graduation at UniTrento, subject to verification of compliance with the income, performance, and fee payment requirements (if applicable) set by the call 2023/24, updated with University ISEE 2024 (ISEE limit is €23,600.00).
No application needs to be submetted. The check will be carried out automatically during October 2024; UniTrento will contact you only in case of lack of requirements for further checks.
Please, regularize your situation regarding exams, fees, and ISEE 2024 (if applicable) as soon as possible.
If there is no interest in maintaining the device, in case of graduation and/or transfer and/or withdrawal or in case of non-compliance with the requirements Of which you are aware, please schedule an appointment to return the device by 30/09/24 by mailing div.serviziutenzaict [at] through a ticketing system on servicedesk.

Academic Year 2023/24

In the academic year 2023/24, the University of Trento is offering its students the opportunity to loan a laptop for free, as:

  • 100 notebooks will be loaned to students enrolled in undergraduate degrees and single cycle Master's degrees
  • 30 notebooks will be loaned to students enrolled in Master's degrees

who meet the merit and income requirements (ISEE) described in more detail below.



The first call is reserved for regularly enrolled students in Bachelor or Single cycle Master's degree courses at University of Trento (until the first year after the legal duration of the study course - “primo anno fuori corso”) in compliance with University of Trento taxes payment ( if requested) and compliance with the specific incomes and performance requirements below.


A second call for applications is aimed at students enrolled in Master's degree programmes (who are not more than one year past the date of expected completion of studies).


Students beneficiary of a device on loan for free use about to expire on 30/09/2023, can maintain the device until they graduate in UniTrento, if they comply with the requirements below, without filling any new application. These requirements will be checked by UniTrento.

In case of lack of requirements, UniTrento will contact the students for the device return.

In case of penalties, students have to refer to the "PC Free loan for use agreement academic year 2023/24" below.

Just one loan is authorized. The student is obliged to use the device solely and exclusively related to teaching and educational activities.



The device is lended a free loan for use to the student from a.y. 2023/24 until the UniTrento’s degree is awarded, after annual verification of requirements (or a different date, minimum 90 days of use


To be eligible for the scheme, applicants must:

  • be students enrolled in the academic year 2023/2024 in undergraduate and single cycle degree programmes at the University of Trento (who are not more than one year past the date of expected completion of studies) and are in good standing with the payment of tuition fees (as appropriate), for the Call for applications "Bando CDS I LIVELLO";
  • be students enrolled in the academic year 2023/2024 in a Master's degree programmes at the University of Trento (who are not more than one year past the date of expected completion of studies) and are in good standing with the payment of tuition fees (as appropriate), for the Call for applications "Bando CDS II LIVELLO";
  • provide an "ISEE Università" declaration for 2023 ≤ €23,600; the declaration must be submitted to a Tax Advice Centre (CAF) by the deadline specified in the call. Non-degree seeking students from out of the EU who do not reside in Italy are not required to submit this certificate;
  • have earned: 
    at least 10 credits in the  first year; 
    at least 25 credits in the years after the first one (up to the first year past the date of expected completion of studies)
    for students enrolled in years after the first one (and, in any case, who are not more than one year past the date of expected completion of studies).
    The credits are automatically calculated by the Esse3 system as of 10 August of each year based on the minutes of the exams submitted by faculty members.

Students who have taken advantage of similar state or private benefits are excluded from this notice.

 Devices will be shared proportionally between "ISEE students" and "non-EU degree seeking students NO ISEE", according to the regular and eligible applications received from either category.

In the academic year 2023/2024, eligible students are invited to apply online:

  • by 12:00 noon on 11 September 2023. The application procedure for students enrolled in undergraduate and cycle degree programmes is closed.
  • by 23:59 on 20 February 2024. The application for students enrolled in Master's degrees is closed.


Students beneficiary of a device on loan for free use about to expire on 30/09/2023, can maintain the device until the UniTrento’s degree is awarded. In case of lack of requirements, UniTrento will contact the students for the device return.

The beneficiaries can pick up their laptop personally at the UniTrento Laptop Pickup Point.

Please book an appointment online (this page is for students only) by selecting the option "Free laptop loans for UniTrento students".

The device is lended a free loan for use to the student from a.y. 2023/24 until the UniTrento’s degree is awarded, after annual verification (approximately on 30/09 of each year) of the annual requirements.

The Device shall be returned in the same condition as it was at the moment of the handover to the student, except for the normal deterioration given to the normal use and oldness.
The Student is obliged to give back the Device without any personal data and full of its accessories following the instruction and within the temporal terms.

The return of damaged devices or delay implies that the Student will incur in the payment of a penalty (art.7 of the agreement).

The devices must be returned by the beneficiaries by opening a ticket through a ticketing system on servicedesk.



The gratuitous loan for use is intended to be automatically revoked in case of withdrawal, transfer, graduation and in any other case in which the requirement of the active enrolment in this University should lack

In case of graduation the student is obliged to give back the Device and all of its accessories within 5 working days from the date of the graduation; otherwise is required the payment of the penalty, according to the amounts defined in Article 7

 In these cases the device can only be returned by the beneficiary, by emailing div.serviziutenzaict [at]



In case of hardware issues (display not working, battery failure, etc.) the device must be returned by the beneficiary by opening a ticket through the servicedesk portal. 

For more information visit the servicedesk portal.

Notice A. Y. 2023/24

PC Free loan for use agreement academic year 2023/24

Ranking of applicants

Academic Year 2022/23 

This page is dedicated to non-EU “degree seeking students”- citizens living outside Italy


The University of Trento announces the free loan of 150 laptops and their backpacks for University of Trento students for the A.Y 2022/23, in order to facilitate their educational activity according to their income conditions.

Devices will be shared proportionally between "ISEE students" and "non- EU degree seeking students without ISEE", according to the regular applications received from either categories.

The free loan contratc lasts at least 90 days from the delivery date and by September, 2023.

Just one loan is permitted. Device must used only and exclusively personally and for activities related to teaching and education.

Eligible candidates for the new notice for A.Y. 2022/23 are non-EU “degree seeking" UniTrent students - citizens living outside Italy  regularly enrolled in Bachelor or Single cycle Master's degree courses at University of Trento (until the first year after the legal duration of the study course) in the academic year 2022-23 - complying with University of Trento taxes payment- if requested .

Students who have taken advantage of similar state or private benefits have been excluded from this notice.


*Students with ISEE 2022  with a value ≤ € 23,600 please see the italian version of this page

Eligible students who comply with the pertinent requirements are invited to submit the online application, by September 12, 2022 eusing their student’s account, accessing the link in the dedicated section ->Submit your application

Candidates may pick-up their device after publication of the final ranking starting from October, 3 2022 at the University location in Via Tommaso Gar, 16, Trento exclusively by appointment online on this link: clicking on Servizio comodato d'uso gratuito PC per studenti e studentesse UniTrento
For the laptop pick-up it is necessary to be in person showing a personal document or student e-card

How to reach the collection point: see the direction in the "Final Rankings" section.

No delegation to the withdrawal is permitted.

If the Device will not be collected within the scheduled time, it will be allocated to the next candidate in the ranking.



Students called "eligible winners" are required to fix an appointment for picking-up the device not later than October, 13.
Starting from October, 14 reservations will close and consequently no appointment will take place.
Missing appointment by 13/10/22 leads to withdrawal, in order to allow further eligible candidates to benefit from the device

"Eligible winners" are allow to pick-up the device from now, "eligible candidates" must wait for possible scrolling list and for consequently further device at disposal



Eligible candidates who have already benefited from a notebook and backpack on loan for free use through a specific contract with deadline September 30, 2022 (with EC Informatica) will maintain the same notebook and backpack after verification of good conditions of the Device. They are requested to sign in a new contract in presence by September 30

  • If you see your student profile as eligible and beneficiary/winner in the final ranking for the notice A.Y. 22/23, please book an appointment as soon as possible (by September 30) for letting check your device and subscribe the new contract.
  • If you see your student profile as eligible sub condicione (=conditional admission) please note that you must meet the pertinent requirements by September, 30 (e.g. enrolment in A.Y. 22/23).

The students with pending degree(“in attesa di laurea”) must gain their degree by March 23

University of Trento will check and ask for the Device return in case of irregular situation.

  • If you see your student profile as not eligible in the final ranking, please book an appointment as soon as possible (and by September 30) for letting check your device and return it.

Please bring with you for the laptop delivery an official document with your valid fiscal code (e.g. permit of stay).

For Information, contact and appointment with EC Informatica check here

For more details please refer to: dir.dss [at]

Please refer to the sections “A. Y. 2022/23”--> “Notice A. Y. 2022/23” and “Final Ranking” below for further information

Candidates must return the Device by September, 2023.

The Device shall be given back in the same condition in which it was at the moment of the handover to the student, except for the normal deterioration given to the normal use and oldness.
The Student is obliged to give back the Device without any personal data and full of its accessories following the instruction and within the temporal terms.
The gratuitous loan for use is intended to be automatically revoked in case of withdrawal, transfer and in any other case in which the requirement of the active enrolment in this University should lack..
In case of conclusion of the career, notebook and backpack has/have to be returned within 2 working days from the final official graduation date.

The return must be done exclusively by the beneficiary by email request to div.serviziutenzaict [at]
Laptop return will take place just directly by the beneficiary through the ticketing platform

In case of hardware breakage(e.g. display breakdown, missing battery charging) beneficiaries are required to return the device exclusively by email request to div.serviziutenzaict [at]

Please refer to the sections “A. Y. 2022/23”--> “Notice A. Y. 2022/23” and “Final Ranking” below for further information

PC Free loan for use agreement academic year 2022-23

application/pdfDRAFT_EN_Free loan agreement PC a.y. 22-23(PDF | 215 KB)
application/pdfESEMPIO_Contratto comodato uso gratuito pc a.a. 22-23(PDF | 243 KB)

Notice A. Y. 2022/23

application/pdfUniTrento notice_Free loan laptop_22_23.pdf(PDF | 216 KB)

Final rankings

Academic Year 2021/22 

UniTrento has allocated 150 laptops Lenovo Thinkpad X1 with Lenovo Pen Active and PC backpack on free loan for use to UniTrento students regularly enrolled on Bachelor, master's or five/six-year degree courses at UniTrento- complying with UniTrento taxes payment- if requested - with an ISEE≤ 20.000** (ISEE not considered for non-EU students living abroad).
In order apply, fill in the application online that has been sent to eligible students that comply with the pertinent requirements.
A further confirmation email will be sent to beneficiaries  ( with details about how to reserve an appointment to pick-up laptop and backpack  with:
•    EC informatica
Address: Via S. Pio X, 99 Trento 
Phone number: +39-328 367 6859
Email: ecinformatix [at]
EC Informatica will be stay on contact with beneficiaries for the pick-up service.
EC Informatica won’t guarantee any technical assistance.
Each student is allowed to borrow maximum one PC for a minimum of 2 months starting from the signed contract’s date. The loan contract will expire by rule on 30 September (except in case of Degree). For current beneficiaries the return date has been posponed to September, 2022. 
It is allowed to use the PC strictly personally and just for educational/ building activities.

Eligible students who comply with the pertinent requirements are invited to submit their application, according to the information sent by official email.
Apply closed on 29th October, at noon (Italian time).
After this deadline a gradual increasing ranking has been set on the basis of ISEE**. 
For non-EU Students linving abroad(no ISEE) the ranking has been set on the basis of  the UniTrento admission ranking. For further information please refer to the section “List of beneficiaries”.

Apply closed on 29th October, at noon (Italian time).
After this deadline a gradual increasing ranking has been set on the basis of ISEE**. 
For non-EU Students linving abroad(no ISEE) the ranking has been set on the basis of  the UniTrento admission ranking. For further information please refer to the section “List of beneficiaries”.


EC Informatica will contact eligible students directly at their official email (name.surname [at] specifying how to fix the delivery appointment.
Eligible students are allowed to reserve and pick-up their laptop within 20 calendar days from the distribution notification.
In case of restrictions or stops set to limit the spread of Covid-19 virus, the laptop will stay reserved and this deadline will be postponed by the end of the restrictions/stops. In this case beneficiaries have to inform EC Informatica through official email ( account_ateneo [at] ) as soon as possible, in order to set a new appointment for the laptop reservation.
During laptop’s delivery beneficiaries are requested to sign the contract. See the facsimile below.

The device must be returned by 30/09/22.
The Device shall be given back in the same condition in which it was at the moment of the handover to the student, except for the normal deterioration given to the normal use and oldness.
Eligible candidates who have already benefited from a notebook and backpack on loan for free use through a specific contract with deadline September 30, 2022 (with EC Informatica) will maintain the same notebook and backpack just if (1) Device should be in good conditions, after pertinent check (2) candidates are listed out as eligible beneficiaries in the final ranking for the notice A.Y. 22/23 . 
Please refer to the pertinent sections: Academic Year 2022/23--> Notice A. Y. 2022/23 AND Academic Year 2022/23---> Final rankings 
They are requested to sign in a new contract in presence by September 30, 2022 following the instructions published together with the final ranking.
Students are requested to return UniTrento laptop, pen active and laptop backpack by 5 working days from the expiring contract date(by 2 working days in case of degree). 
In case of damage or missed return or similar cases beneficiaries will be charged by a penalty equivalent to the value of the damaged laptop/pen/backpack and the University of Trento will lock their Esse3 University career until students have paid the penalty (for more details please refer to the contract of loan).
Please note that the laptop's delivery will take place just personally (NO postal delivery). Online appointment reservation is compulsory, following the indication communicated by EC Informatica. 
If you see your student profile as eligible and beneficiary/winner in the final ranking for the notice A.Y. 22/23, please book an appointment as soon as possible and not later than September, 30 for letting check your device and subscribe the new contract.

If you see your student profile as not eligible in the final ranking, please book an appointment as soon as possible not later than September, 30 for letting check your device and return it.

Please bring with you for the laptop delivery an official document with your valid fiscal code (e.g. permit of stay).

Fix an appointment with EC Informatica as soon as possible here: 

For Information about EC Informatica check here 

For more details please refer to: dir.dss [at]


Master student beneficiaries A.Y. 2021/22

The list of eligible students A.Y. 2021/22 enrolled in a Master Degree course and eligible for the contract renewal until March, 31 2023 will be published soon.

The eligibility criteria are following: 

1. regular enrolment in a Master degree course at University of Trento (until the first year after the legal duration of the study course.) in the A.Y 2022/23- complying with University of Trento taxes payment- if requested or with pending degree (“attesa di laurea”- until the first year after the legal duration of the study course);
2. ISEE 2022 with a value  ≤ € 23,600 to be submitted to CAF (for information about the meaning of ISEE please check: (hereinafter: “ISEE students”);
NB For non- EU “degree seeking students”- citizens living outside Italy is compulsory just requirement 1 and not requirement 2

Final rankings

application/pdfElenco dei beneficiari(PDF | 156 KB)
application/pdfElenco dei beneficiari - 2^ tornata(PDF | 421 KB)
application/pdfElenco Beneficiari 3_tornata.ISEE(PDF | 44 KB)
application/pdfElenco Beneficiari 3_tornata.NON EU(PDF | 42 KB)
application/pdfLM_Elenco studenti LM beneficiari 21-22_rinnovo 31-03-23(PDF | 168 KB)

Draft contracts 

application/pdfFacsimile loan free of charge(PDF | 147 KB)

For further information please refer to agevolazionistudenti [at]