More than 1,500 places in halls of residence or shared apartments are made available to students from out of town by Opera Universitaria.  
In the allocation of places, priority is given to applicants who meet a number of requirements, and in particular:

  • economic status (ISEE and ISPE);
  • academic performance (for students from the second year on).

A number of places are set aside for incoming students participating in mobility programmes.

However, all students can apply for accommodation.

For further information visit the website of Opera Universitaria

The University of Trento with UDU Trento (Unione degli universitari) and the local command of Guardia di Finanza would like to promote and disseminate the following guide:

Guida affitti: guida di sopravvivenza al mondo degli affitti per studenti universitari (A student's guide to renting)

The guide provides useful information on how to find accommodation, how to rent an apartment, how to apply for a place in a hall of residence and to obtain student aid, and includes advice on how to report irregularities to Guardia di Finanza. The guide also aims to ensure better social equality and to raise awareness on tax evasion in the student community.

Logo Housing AnywhereAre you planning to come to or leave Trento or Rovereto for study? Take a look at HousingAnywhere, the international network of temporary housing for students.


TRentTRent is a service created by Opera Universitaria for students looking for accommodation and homeowners looking for tenants in Trentino. The goal is to match demand and offer. The service is free of charge. 300 students have already registered and there are already more than 300 places available.
For information on how it works and how to post ads, contact:

Opera Universitaria
email: web [at];
website contact person: tel. (+39) 0461.217429;
main contact: tel. (+39) 0461.217411