150-hour employment opportunities

To encourage the widest participation of the student community in university life, the University of Trento gives students the opportunity to work on a part-time basis at its facilities and those of Opera Universitaria (with respectively five and four types of activities). Please read the call and the attached information sheets for more information (duration, hourly remuneration, contract extensions, etc.).

Working while studying

The selected students will carry out paid work in the provision of services offered by UniTrento and Opera Universitaria. Contract are usually for 150 hours of work, but can be extended to a maximum of 400 hours in certain cases.

Students can only sign one contract per year and if they resign from their post they will not be considered for other posts. However students can be offered multiple short contracts (between 25 and 50 hours) in the same year, but the University tries to involve those who have not been offered any contract before.

The hourly wage, which is exempt from income tax (pursuant to legislative decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012, up to a yearly income of 3,500.00 euro), is determined on the basis of the type of work and varies between 6.00 and 9.00 euros.

application/pdfRules governing student part-time employment (in italian)(PDF | 250 KB)

Calls for application and requirements

Applications must be submitted through the university's online application system. The calls are usually published in the first half of September. Applicants must satisfy the requirements at the time of the submission.

A number of calls for application have been launched for students wishing to work temporarily (150 hours) and on a part-time basis at the University’s departments and centres, and at offices and facilities run by Opera Universitaria in the academic year 2024/25.

The UniTrento call includes five types of activities:

  • support for administrative services;
  • support for technical - IT services;
  • orientation services;
  • support services for people with disabilities;
  • other specific services.

The Opera Universitaria call includes four areas of collaboration:

  • collaborations with the offices and facilities of Opera Universitaria;
  • collaboration within the mediation service;
  • maintenance and security at halls of residence;
  • reception desk.

Through a single application process, if you meet the requirements, you can apply for all the nine areas. During the year, however, you can only accept one work proposal from the nine areas.

Students who meet the requirements of the calls can apply until 6 October 2024.


Please find below the calendar of interviews (in Italian) for the support service for people with disabilities.

For Orientation services and collaborations with the offices and facilities of Opera Universitaria, all applicants will receive a notification to the email they provided during the application process.

Ranking of applicants

Below are the rankings of applicants for the academic year 2024/2025.

You can find the Id of your application in the MyApplications section on MyUnitn or in the notification email you received when you applied.

application/pdfRanking - Support for administrative services(PDF | 462 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Support for technical-IT services(PDF | 324 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Support services for people with disabilities(PDF | 170 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Orientation services(PDF | 190 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Other specific services(PDF | 246 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Opera Universitaria A(PDF | 263 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Opera Universitaria B(PDF | 169 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Opera Universitaria C(PDF | 154 KB)
application/pdfRanking - Opera Universitaria D(PDF | 210 KB)

Selection and training

The successful students will receive job offers by email (at their @unitn address) based on their preferences and skills.
The data of the students who respond to a job offer are shared with the facility that posted the job, which may invite them to an interview in their ranking order.

The students who accept a position are required to take some online health and safety training courses before starting to work, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/2008:

  • Health and safety – General training (FORGE); 
  • Health and safety – Low risk training (FORBAS); 
  • Privacy Guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

When signing the contract of employment, the students who will have to manage confidential information or data as part of their duties are also required to sign a non disclosure agreement.
Students will work on site at the facilities of UniTrento or Opera Universitaria.

Opera Universitaria is responsible for the selection and employment of the students who will work at its facilities. For more information on opportunities offered by Opera Universitaria, open a ticket through the following link: www.operauni.tn.it/contattaci (choose the "150 ore" option).

Conclusion of the work experience

At the end of the work experience, students are required to fill out the online form "Conclusione attività di collaborazione a tempo parziale/tutorato" on the application system. The University will pay the final wage within one month. The students who complete their work experience in December will receive their final wage at the end of January. Payment procedures may be slower in August.

Students will be able to download their MODELLO CU (that the university is required to issue) for their income tax return from their MyUnitn reserved area.