You can make a “Waiting to graduate request” at the beginning of the academic year if you plan to graduate by 31 March 2025 (within the graduation sessions of the 2023/2024 academic year) and therefore do not need to renew your enrolment for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Submitting the "Waiting to graduate request" allows you to:
- apply for calls for part-time collaborations if you are about to finish a three-year bachelor’s degree and are enrolling for a master’s degree in 2024/2025. You can start the course only when you have completed your enrolment;
- enrol for an intensive CLA course during the January-February session, or an extensive course during the March-May session;
- subscribe to the "free circulation" pass for public transport;
- renew your enrolment for the 2024/2025 academic year after the ordinary deadline and until 31 March 2025 without incurring a penalty. The first instalment may appear in Esse3 as overdue, but the administration will disregard this as the payment is not required.
You must complete the “Waiting to graduate request” online by 30 September each year.
The deadline for payment of the university fee instalment is not updated immediately: the first instalment may appear in Esse3 as overdue, but the administration will not take this into account.
It is not possible to submit a ‘Waiting to graduate request’ after 30 September: if you miss this deadline, contact the Student Support office concerned.
If you do not graduate by the end of the 2023/2024 academic year, to renew your enrolment for the 2024/2025 academic year you must pay all the instalments of the fees for the 2024/2025 academic year which you will find in Esse3, by 31 March 2025.
To obtain a reduction of university fees you must have calculated a university ISEE or certified equivalent ISEE by 31 December 2024.