It is possible to enrol in two higher education courses at the same time, also at more than one university and institution of higher education in art, music and dance (AFAM), both in Italy and abroad (Law 12 April 2022 n. 33 and related implementing decrees 930 d.d. 29 July 2022 and 933 d.d. 2 August 2022).
You can enrol simultaneously in two courses of study, if the two courses you choose meet the compatibility requirements established by MUR (Ministerial Decree 930/2022 articles 2 and 3), as indicated in the table in the first point of the FAQs of 10th October 2022 and in the further FAQs of 12th January 2023 published on the Ministerial Decree n.930 of 29-07-2022 page of the Ministry of Universities and Research.
Currently, simultaneous enrolment is not permitted on:
- two PhD courses;
- two courses of any type for those enrolled with a suspended or interrupted career
For courses of study offered by the University of Trento, also in the case of simultaneous enrolment, the requirements, procedures and deadlines for admission and enrolment in the various courses apply and may be checked on the following pages:
If you are planning to enrol in two courses simultaneously, or you have already done so, you must communicate this to the UniTrento offices:
- for a bachelor's degree, master's degree or single-cycle master's degree, contact Student Support for the course;
- for a PhD course, contact the PhD and Higher Education Courses Support Division of the center concerned;
- for a university master's degree, write to [email protected];
- for a specialization course, write to the registrations email address of the centre concerned.
You must communicate simultaneous enrolment in the following cases:
- enrolment in two UniTrento courses;
- enrolment in a UniTrento course and in a second course at another university;
- enrolment in another university and in a second course at UniTrento.
If you enrol in two courses at the same time, you must pay the fees and contributions established for the academic year for each of the two enrolments, even if the courses are both offered by UniTrento.
Bachelor's degrees, single-cycle master's degrees and master's degrees:
- for fees, contributions and exemptions, refer to the information given on the Fees and Exemptions pages;
- for benefits for the right to study and payment of the TDS (right to university study fee), contact each body for the right to study to obtain precise information: Opera Universitaria for the Province of Trento and the regional bodies concerned, if one of the two enrolments is at another university.
PhDs, masters and specialisation courses: for fees, exemptions and scholarships, the regulations set out in the admission call apply, for more information contact the office concerned.