Trattamento acque reflue urbane e industriali
- Strategie di controllo per l'ottimizzazione della gestione degli impianti di depurazione
Application of real-time nitrogen measurement for intermittent aeration implementation in a biologiacal nitrogen removal system: performances and efficiencies [Environmental Technology, Vol, 2018 (2018) p 1-34] -
- bioreattori a membrana
- sistemi a biomassa adesa (moving bed biofilm reactor, biofiltrazione)
- sistemi SBR (sequencing batch reactors)
- evoluzione dei sistemi di progettazione impianti (UTN)
Implementation of alternate phases in Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) and reducing sludge production by UTN (University of Trento) System [PROGETTO]
- trattamento di reflui di industriali (cartiere, industrie chimiche, …)
- trattamento di reflui di industrie agroalimentari (caseifici, cantine..)
One stage olive mill waste streams valorization via hydrothermal carbonization [Waste Management, 80(2018) 224-234] -
- caratterizzazione della biodegradabilita’ delle acque reflue mediante respirometria
- misura delle cinetiche del fango attivo mediante respirometria
- analisi microbiologiche avanzate mediante citometria a flusso***
- Effects of sonication on bacteria viability in wastewater treatment plants evaluated by flow cytometry—Fecal indicators, wastewater and activated sludge [Water Research 41(2007) 235-243] -
- Direct quantification of bacterial biomass in influent, effluent and activated sludge of wastewater treatment plants by using flow cytometry [Water Research 44(2010) 3807-3818] -
- Bacteria permeabilization and disruption caused by sludge reduction technologies evaluated by flow cytometry [Water Research 44(2010) 4888-4899] -
- Toxicant inhibition in activated sludge: Fractionation of the physiological status of bacteria [Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 280, 15 September 2014, Pages 758-766] -
- Bacteria viability and decay in water and soil of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands [Ecological Engineering 82 (2015) 49-56] -
- Concerning the role of cell lysis-cryptic growth in anaerobic side-stream reactors: The single-cell analysis of viable, dead and lysed bacteria [Water Research 74(2015) 132-142] -
- Surrogate parameters for the rapid microbial monitoring in a civil protection module used for drinking water production [Chemical Engineering Journal 265 (2015) 67–74] -
- applicazione di modelli matematici per la simulazione dei processi di depurazione
- studio e sviluppo di nuove tecnologie per la riduzione della produzione di fanghi di supero (sonicazione, ozonizzazione, trattamenti termici, processi biologici, cavitazione)
- A swirling jet-induced cavitation to increase activated sludge solubilisation and aerobic sludge [Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 35(2017) 489-501] -
- Innovative hydrodynamic cavitation device to efficiently increase biogas production in agro industrial waste streams [PROGETTO]
- Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass design of a bench scale reactor for evaluating the heat of reaction [Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 65, 2018] -
- A rewiev of anaerobic side-stream reactor for excess sludge reduction: configurations, mechanisms and efficiency [Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 46, 2016 - Issue 4] –
- Methane production from process water of sewage sludge hydrothermal carbonization. A rewiev valorizing sludge through hydrothermal carbonization [Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology; vol. 49, 2019 – Issue11] -
- qualita’ delle acque superficiali, monitoraggio e modellistica***
- audit energetici negli impianti di depurazione e soluzioni di risparmio energetico***
- Benchmarking of energy consumption in municipal wastewater treeatment plants - A survey of over 200 plants in Italy [Water Science and Technology, Vol. 77 Issue 9 (2018), 2242-2252] -
- How far are we from closing the loop of sewage resource recuvery? A real picture of municipal wastewater treatmente plants in Itlay [Journal of Environmental Management, 198 (2017) 9-15] -
- Energy audit in small wastewater treatment plants: Methodology, energy consumption indicators and lessons learned [Water Science and Technology, Vol. 72 Issue 6 (2015), 1007-1015] –
- sviluppo di sistemi di fitodepurazione migliorati a basso footprint e relativa modellistica matematica***
- microbial fuel cells***
- sistemi di depurazione con alghe***
- Laboratory-scale investigation on the role of microalgae towards a sustainable treatment of real municipal wastewater [Water Science and Technology (2018) 78 (8): 1726-1732] -
- Evolution of real municipal wastewater treatment in photobioreactors and microalgal-bacteria consortia using real-time parameters [Chemical Engineering Journal, 345 (2018) 507-516] -
- Enhanced nitrogen removal and energy saving in a microalgal–bacterial consortium treating real municipal wastewater [Water Science and Technology, (2018) 78 (1-2): 174-182] -
- How suspended solids concentration affects nitrification rate in microalgal-bacterial photobioreactors without external aeration [Heliyon, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2020, e03088] -
- How inoculation affects the development and the performances of microalgal-bacterial consortia treating real municipal wastewater [Journal of Environmental Management 63, 10427] -
- Bacteria and photosynthetic cells in a photobioreactor treating real municipal wastewater: Analysis and quantification using flow cytometry [Algal Research 50, 2020]
- Comprehensive respirometric approach to assess photosynthetic, heterotrophic and nitrifying activity in microalgal-bacterial consortia treating real municipal wastewater [Biochemical Engineering Journal 161, 107697]
- caratterizzazione delle acque di dilavamento stradale***
*** referente ing. Paola Foladori