Summer / Winter Schools
KIT – Liebenzell School - ISAPP
Internationales Forum Burg Liebenzell, Germany, 16-27 September, 2024. Deadline for applications: TBC
The school addresses early career researchers, typically during their PhD phase, but students in the final stage of the master curriculum in astro(particle) physics as well as postdoctoral researchers are welcome.
School attendance is limited to 50 participants.
The lecture programme includes:
- Introduction to neutrino physics (Joachim Kopp, JGU Mainz)
- Neutrinos and cosmology (Miguel Escudero, CERN)
- Neutrinos in MM astronomy (Anna Franckowiak, RU Bochum)
- Sterile neutrinos (Thierry Lasserre, CEA & TU Munich)
- Neutrino oscillations (Michael Wurm, JGU Mainz)
- Neutrino mass experiments (Christoph Wiesinger, TU Munich)
- DM evidences and candidates (Marco Cirelli, CNRS & U Sorbonne)
- Direct DM searches (WIMPs) (Belina von Krosigk, U Heidelberg)
- Direct DM searches (axions & ALPs) (Bela Majorovits, MPP Munich)
- DM search with astrophysical observations (Elisa Pueschel, RU Bochum)
- Accelerator-based DM searches (Jan Heisig, RWTH Aachen)
- Deep Learning in astroparticle physics (Jonas Glombitza, U Erlangen)
- Gravitational waves (Kai Schmitz, U Münster)
- DM search with paleo detectors (Alexey Elykov, KIT)
- GEANT4 Simulations for Rare Event Searches (Holger Kluck, HEPHY Vienna)
Evening lectures:
- The GAIA mission and its results (Stefan Jordan, ZA Heidelberg)
- How to run an underground lab (Carlos Pena Garay, LSC Canfranc)
There will be hands-on sessions and an excursion to the KATRIN neutrino experiment situated at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Fees: 1100 euros (single room)
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: June 28
13th IDPASC school
Palermo (Italy), 17-27 September 2024. Deadline for applications: September 9, 2024
The International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC, is an interdisciplinary network whose aim is to train a new generation of high-level experts in the fields of Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
The 13th edition of yearly IDPASC schools is organized by the Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo, Italy in collaboration with INFN Catania and National South Laboratory (LNS), with organizational support from the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, Portugal (LIP) and IDPASC Committee.
This school aims to train the next generation of physicists who will investigate open questions in the PASC domains in the coming decades. The school offers a multi-disciplinary approach to help each student, who starts to specialize in one domain, keep a broad view of the different PASC domains. This will be a key skill to optimally use the complementarity between different approaches to shed light on the same problems with a different angle such as Dark Matter, physics beyond the Standard Model or multi-messenger physics. On top of the main courses, the school will also propose some hands-on sessions in specific domains such as ML for PASC problems.
The fee is 800€ and includes accommodation, coffee breaks, lunches, school dinner, and excursion and is to be paid via bank transfer.
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for applications: September 9, 2024
GRAvitational-waves Science&technology Symposium (GRASS 2024)
Trento (Italy), from 30 September to 2 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 13, 2024
The GRAvitational - wave Science&technology Symposia (GRASS) are a series of meetings held in Padova and Trento and aimed at exploring the panorama of gravitational-wave-related experimental science beyond the next decade; special emphasis is given to open issues and key enabling technologies at the forefront of the most advanced detection techniques. It represents an informal and unique meeting occasion for experts from different fields involved in experimental aspects of future gravitational-wave science and technology.
The GRASS 2024 edition will include topical sessions on Gravitational Waves and Multi-messenger Observational Science, Coatings and Materials, Perspectives for the Reduction of Quantum Noise and Stray Light mitigation for future GW detectors. A general session to discuss any other open issue is foreseen as well.
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for applications: September 13, 2024
Science Diplomacy in the 21st Century. Foundations, actors and dynamics for future practice
Erice (Trapani) 2-8 October 2024. Deadline for applications: August 4, 2024
The first workshop of the International School Science & Diplomacy opened this year at the Ettore Majorana Foundation, Foundation and Center for Science and Culture, created by Antonino Zichicihi in 1963 for dialogue between scientists behind the Iron Curtain. On the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation of the Center, in November 2023, at the conference of the Directors of all the international schools, this latest school was opened, a novelty at a national and international level because, starting from international history, and involving witnesses of the recent past and actors of the present time, investigates the dynamics of techno-scientific diplomacy with a strong interaction with students engaged in experimenting with a storytelling laboratory on the historical case of Halley’s Comet Armada and a wargame dedicated to the Mediterranean. The University of Padua will publish a call for some scholarships.
- David Burigana (University of Padua)
- Virginia Coda Nunziante (Head of International Relations of the CNR)
- Pascal Griset (Université Paris Sorbonne)
- Giacinto Ottavia (President of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies)
- Umberto Vattani (President of the Venice International University
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: August 4, 2024
9th International training school on Convective and Volcanic Clouds detection, monitoring and modelling
Nicolosi (Catania), from 5 to 13 October 2024. Deadline for applications: June 30, 2024
The purpose of the School is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing them to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions (present and future) and to be able to support such kinds of studies. The double aim is to create a school managed by young scientists already well established and recognized in their respective fields for young scientists willing to reinforce or develop their knowledge on atmospheric extreme events detection and monitoring for supporting policy makers, early warning systems and aviation safety.
Extreme atmospheric event cloud detection is a highly multidisciplinary and challenging topic since the same techniques and instruments can be used for meteorology, volcanic monitoring, atmospheric physics and climate purposes. Within all these fields there are still many unsolved issues making this school fundamental for creating a new generation of scientists able to use the synergy of several different instruments and techniques. Air transportation became fundamental in the last decades for the World economy and social life, and volcanic or convective events can affect the regular management and operation creating large economic losses. This training school will support the creation of a new generation of scientists specialized in monitoring and detecting atmospheric extreme events supporting the safety of the citizens. Most of the young researchers are usually focused on a single subject (e.g. convection or volcanic eruption) and they are not in touch with final users to get their feedback, this school will be the occasion for broadening their horizons and for creating useful connections. We expect scientists and final users (such as pilots or early warning system technicians) to meet during this course to discuss common goals and to teach each other how to improve their work toward a proficient collaboration.
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: June 30, 2024
XXXV edition of the International School "Francesco Romano" on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics
Monopoli (Bari) - Italy, 6-13 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 31 July 2024
The International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics is targeted particularly at young postdocs and PhD students working in experimental High Energy Physics and in phenomenology. According to its tradition, scientific and applicative topics will both be covered. Besides lectures in high-energy theoretical and experimental Physics, training in writing proposals for EU and outreach projects will be offered. One of the main purposes of the school is to stimulate the interactions between the young attendants and the lecturers. Therefore afternoon sessions will be devoted to discussions and a dedicated session for student talks will also be organized.
Full details are available at the event webpage.
Deadline for registration: July 31st, 2024
ESC 2024 - Efficient Scientific Computing School
CEUB, Bertinoro (FC) - Italy, 14-24 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 31 May 2024
ESC School takes place every year in October, in Bertinoro, Italy.
The ESC School offers the participants the opportunity to improve their computing competencies, learning from qualified and experienced scientists how to best exploit modern hardware and software technologies in their daily scientific work. The programme includes introductory lectures on current trends in the evolution of processor architectures and parallel programming. This will be followed by more in-depth lectures on advanced programming with C++, efficient use of memory, floating-point computation and programming in a heterogeneous environment, exploiting the potential of multi-threaded computing, GPUs and cluster computing with MPI.
The school, primarily aimed at PhD students and young researchers who are actively involved in the development of scientific applications and software tools for research, is organized as a small class of about 25 students, alternating lectures, hands-on sessions and self-managed time slots for the best learning experience, with lecturers available during the whole period for insights and discussions.
Full details are available at the event webpage.
Deadline for registration: May 31st, 2024
International Congress CUICIID 2024
ONLINE - 16-18 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: 28 June 2024
The International University Congress of Communication, Innovation, Research and Teaching ( CUICIID ) will be held on October 16, 17 and 18, 2024. In its virtual and online format, it brings together researchers and professionals from around the world for the fourteenth time.
This Congress can be classified as one of those with the greatest academic impact, under the concept ' Quality of teacher training', for combining innovation and teaching and, thanks to a double-blind peer review of the works presented, its results are comparable to those with the most curricular value.
Full details are available at the event webpage.
Deadline for abstract submission: May 27, 2024
Deadline for registration: June 28, 2024
African Capacity Building Workshop on Space Weather and Ionospheric Research
ICTP Trieste, 22-31 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: TBC
Modern technological infrastructures, such as GNSS and HF communication facilities, are susceptible to the adverse impacts of space weather, which can induce large errors in single-frequency GNSS positioning and even radio signal blackouts. Developing countries in Africa are predominantly located in equatorial/low latitudes, where space weather effects make the ionosphere more variable and highly unpredictable. However limited efforts have been made to study the impact of space weather in these regions owing to lack of the required infrastructure.
The NORISK project, a collaboration between INGV and the Italian Space Agency, is contributing to fill this gap with the deployment of a new ionospheric observatory in Malindi, Kenya. This workshop aims to enhance capacity building in GNSS and HF technology for Space Weather monitoring over the Eastern African region. It is therefore planned to include lectures on the following topics:
- Space Weather
- GNSS fundamentals
- HF system generalities
- The low-latitude ionosphere
- Ionospheric monitoring and modelling
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: TBC
7th Chianti Topics International Focus Workshop on "Planetary Environments”
Complesso di Sant'Apollonia, Florence (Italy), 23 to 25 October, 2024.
The conference aims at bringing together experts from different disciplines (tectonics, geodynamics, geophysics, structural geology, remote sensing, and geological mapping among others) to discuss the general topic of the geology of planetary bodies, both in the Solar System and beyond. The growing body of geophysical data collected in the last decades represents the proper tool to improve our understanding of the main topics of the conference, namely rocky, icy and ocean worlds.
The main goal is to prepare the next generation of planetary geologists and (geo)physicists to embark on this exciting and challenging research field. Multidisciplinary contributions dealing with studies, observations, experiments/modelling on planetary surface environments (including terrestrial analogues), planetary geodynamics and interactions between endogenous and exogenous processes are warmly welcome. PhD students, post-docs and young researchers are encouraged to submit and present their studies, the results of their research as well as ideas or projects. The Scientific Organizing Committee will select talks and posters by young presenting authors preferentially that will be published in the workshop proceedings.
The contribution of invited experts, the discussions during the scientific sessions, and the comparison between different methodologies of investigation will allow to develop or strengthen synergies also between scientists and young researcher of different fields. The interactions will be also favoured in the friendly and welcoming location in the Chianti-Tuscany during breaks, social events and round tables.
Fee: 200 euros (includes conference fee, coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner)
GravityShapePisa 2024: Exploring new sources of Gravitational Waves (GraSP24)
University of Pisa, Physics Department, Pisa (Italy), 23 to 25 October, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 1st
The event is organized to balance “senior” and “young” talk sessions in the fields of observative and theoretical gravitational wave physics. This will give the opportunity to early-stage researchers to spread their work, but also to experienced scientists to be aware of original research inputs coming from younger physicists. The conference will focus on still undetected sources of gravitational waves and their study in current and future detectors. Presentations will cover aspects of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics.
GraSP 2024 will take place in the Physics Department “E. Fermi” of the University of Pisa.
Fee: No fee is required
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
XVII Tonale Winter School on Cosmology
Passo del Tonale (TN), 1 - 7 December, 2024. Deadline for applications: September 17 2024
The Tonale Winter School on Cosmology 2024 is addressed to advanced master's students, graduate students enrolled in a PhD program, and junior postdocs. It takes place at the ski resort Passo del Tonale (Italy) 1st - 7th of December 2024 and covers topics relevant to theoretical and observational cosmology, "Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists".
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: September 17 2024
The 6th edition of the International School on Open Science Cloud (SOSC 2024)
Bologna, 2 - 6 December, 2024. Deadline for applications: November 20 2024
The 6th edition of the International School on Open Science Cloud (SOSC 2024) will be held in Bologna, from 02 to 06 December 2024. The school is organized by INFN, the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi" of the University of Bologna, the Departments of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia and the ICSC Foundation.
The School is multi-disciplinary and targeted at postgraduate researchers with bachelor's degree or equivalent in fields such as physics, statistics, computer science, computer vision, biology, medicine, bioinformatics, and engineering, working at any research institute, with some experience and interest in data analysis, in computing or in related fields. Applications by university students (undergraduate) will be considered depending on availability and must be accompanied by a letter of reference from a university professor.
All useful information on the programme will be available on its website.
Deadline for registration: November 20 2024
AeroSpace Academy Torino - From Space to Earth
Torino, TBD. Deadline for applications: TBD
The AeroSpace Academy Torino aims to contribute, at a scientific and educational level, to the enhancement of knowledge in frontier innovation of the Civil Aviation and Space sector in Italy and internationally.
Two are the pillars of the Academy's value proposition:
- provide professionals and researchers of the aerospace sector with inter and multidisciplinary skills to approach complex problems;
- exploit the great potential offered by the local industrial environment in aerospace (global industrial players on site) to provide experiential training, where industry know-how is connected to the academic educational proposal.
The first edition of the AeroSpace Academy Torino is dedicated to the topic “From Space to Earth”
Not only have men climbed the lunar craters. Not only have robot spaceships measured other planets. Most space benefits accrue directly to us on our own planet (Spinoff, 1976).
The first edition of the AeroSpace Academy will focus on the benefits of space exploration, which include the generation of scientific knowledge, the spread of innovation and the creation of markets, the inspiration of people worldwide, and the agreements established between participating countries. Multidisciplinary contributions to this broad topic are very welcome!
The Academy will offer experiential learning, where students will be, on one side, exposed to frontal lectures on state-of-the-art innovation and research and, on the other side, to industry vision and recent developments.
Deadline for registration: TBD