PhD programmes - Science and Technology

Details about funded positions - 38th Cycle - Curriculum 2

(2A) Studies of the coupling processes of geospheres (from the lithosphere to the upper atmosphere) induced by volcanic activity

Funding institution: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (INGV)
Doctoral site: INGV sections in Rome and Catania
Contact: Giuseppe Puglisi (giuseppe.puglisi [at] and Fabrizia Buongiorno (fabrizia.buongiorno [at]

The impact of volcanic activity in the middle and lower atmosphere is well known, as well as its effects on society (e.g., the blocking of aviation operations in the European skies due to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010). Less well known is the impact on the upper atmosphere, although recent eruptive events (e.g. the eruption of the Hunga Tonga in 2022) have shown that volcanic activity can cause major disturbances in the ionosphere. Satellite systems and technologies make it possible to give new perspectives to ongoing researchers on these issues.

The objective of the proposed scholarship is therefore the integration of satellite and terrestrial multiparametric data for the characterization of background conditions and for the study of coupling processes of geospheres in the presence of volcanic activity. The study will be aimed at identifying precursor phenomena and/or anomalies associated with the occurrence of volcanic activity. The impact of volcanic emissions (solid and gaseous) into the atmosphere will be studied, at different distances and altitudes from the volcano; furthermore, the study will be aimed at identifying the possible presence of any pre, on-going or post event anomalies of the main physico-chemical parameters of the atmosphere.

The application of artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of multiparametric data provided by the various satellite constellations and observational systems of the ground-based networks and the development of algorithms for modeling the coupling processes of the geospheres is envisaged. The models will be developed using Italian volcanoes as test areas, but also will be validated on case studies which have had an impact on a global scale.

The training activities will therefore be aimed at providing advanced data analysis tools, algorithmic development skills and knowledge relating to the physics of the atmosphere (at various altitudes), and to the pre-eruptive, eruptive and post eruptive processes that can impact the atmosphere.

The sections of the INGV involved in the activities of the National Doctorate are located in Rome (the three sections “National Earthquake Observatory”, “Rome 1” and “Rome 2”) and Catania (Mt. Etna Observatory) ( ). The location of the PhD scholarship will be defined on the basis of the approved research project.

(2B) Space physics and Sun-Earth relations

Funding institution: University of Calabria
Doctoral site: Cosenza
Contact: Vincenzo Carbone (vincenzo.carbone [at]

The Sun is the primary source of energy for our planetary system. It determines the physical conditions of the heliosphere and near Earth space, and acts as the main engine on the climate of our planet. Furthermore, the interplanetary space is permeated by a supersonic plasma flow of solar origin which is highly turbulent, so that the interplanetary space represents the main “laboratory” where spacecrafts can obtain “in situ” measurements of plasma parameters.

Fluctuations in the magnetic field within the solar atmosphere act as complex modulations of plasma conditions in the interplanetary space, the fluxes of solar energetic particles (SEP) and cosmic rays, the UV component of the solar spectrum and sudden coronal mass ejections (CME). These events are associated with the origin of magnetic storms, which have important effects on our technological society, and possibly to changes the climate conditions through complex interactions with the Earth's atmosphere. On the other hand the generation of solar magnetic field has a well known 11-years cycle, all physical properties of the Sun follow this cycle, and this influences Earth on longer time-scales. An interdisciplinary approach is urgent to face problems related to different areas of solar and heliospheric physics, and on different time-scales. Among them, we recognize the generation and evolution of the multi-scale magnetic field, the physical processes able to heat the coronal plasma and generate the turbulent solar wind, the explosive and eruptive processes that give rise to magnetic storms and events associated with energetic solar particles, the transport of plasma to the magnetosphere within the turbulent solar wind, and finally the UV radiative input on the Earth's atmosphere able to influence the climate.

The investigation of solar and interplanetary space conditions, the understanding of the processes of interaction with Earth's magnetosphere and their observations are crucial to be able to predict and mitigate those phenomena that affect space and ground infrastructures or impair human health. For this reason, agencies and international panels include the study of Space Weather, such as the ESA with the Space Situational Awareness program, or attempt to quantify the effect of the solar radiation on the Earth's climate and its variations, such as the Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change.

Candidates are encouraged to present PhD projects addressing some of the main issues concerning the nature of variability of solar activity and the physics of interplanetary space, including the effects on Space Weather and Earth's climate through the analysis of data obtained from observatories in space and ground-based, through the construction of theoretical models, and through direct numerical simulations of the basic physical processes.

(2C) Study through nanosatellites of solar drivers and Sun-Planet interaction in the context of Space Weather

Funding institution: University of Rome Tor Vergata
Doctoral site: Rome
Contact: Francesco Berrilli (francesco.berrilli [at]

Space Weather is focused on studying the physical conditions of the Sun, interplanetary space and the circumterrestrial environment. Especially, when these conditions can affect satellite operations and ground technology or put the health of astronauts at risk, especially during Extravehicular activity (EVA) or while exploring deep space. The physical processes related to the solar energy radiative emission (X and Gamma) and the interaction of the solar magnetized plasma with the circumterrestrial environment, at the origin of the Space Weather phenomena, are particularly important. The thesis project aims to improve the understanding of solar drivers (flare, CME, EPS, ..) and of the physical processes connected to them that are the basis of the coupling of solar radiation and plasma-upper earth's atmosphere through measurements with innovative instrumentation from nanosatellite, in different types of orbit, with the support of ground-based instrumentation. The data produced by the Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe heliophysics missions will provide useful additional information in this context.

(2D) Deep Learning for Time-transient phenomena in the ionosphere and correlation with seismo-induced events

Funding institution: Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Doctoral site: FBK- Trento; University of Trento
Contact: Marco Cristoforetti (marco.cristoforetti [at] and Roberto Iuppa (roberto.iuppa [at]

The Limadou project gathers some Italian institutions participating in the China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) mission. CSES consists of a constellation of satellites, designed to pursue the deepest campaign of observation of the ionosphere. One of the most important scientific goals of the mission is to look for correlations between transient phenomena in the ionosphere and seismic events. Among payloads, a set of particle detectors is devoted to the detection of charged particles trapped in the Van Allen Belts, to monitor the solar activity and to measure galactic cosmic rays of very low energy.

The APP group of the Physics Department in Trento looks for candidates to a PhD programme on the analysis of the scientific data from the payloads on board the CSES-01 and those to be launched on board the satellite CSES-02 in 2022. The student will focus on time-series analyses and participate in the development of the event reconstruction software.

These studies will be carried out using the most modern machine learning techniques for clustering and anomaly detection, using full information from CSES payloads. The activity will be carried out in collaboration with INFN-TIFPA, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Institute of the High Energy Physics of Beijing. Candidates familiar with the experimental techniques for the detection of charged particles in space are welcome, as well as basic knowledge of Machine Learning/Deep Learning is recommended.