Travel Info

How to reach Trento
Carisolo can be reached by bus (leaving from Trento, close to the train station).
Ride lasts less than two hours. Taxi is considered too expensive, unless it is shared by many (fare aproximately around 90 Euro).

Trento train station - Carisolo bus stop

N 064 - 6.40 am              8.33 am
N 228 - 8.02 am              9.43 am
N 294 - 10.10 am            12.07 am
N 070 - 11.20 am            1.03 pm
N 072 - 12.55 am            2.38 pm
N 295 - 5.00 pm              6.43 pm
N 088 - 6.40 pm              8.23 pm

See time tables in the resources' box

Trento's train station can be reached by train from Verona in one hour, from Brescia in two hours, from Venice or Treviso, Milan or Bergamo, Bologna in about three hours.

The airport of Verona is the most convenient, Venice, Treviso and Bologna are next, Milano is last.

Venezia, Treviso and Bergamo are often used because of low cost airfare from SAS, Rayanair, Sterling.