Information session on Marie-Skłodowska Curie RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) Programme which supports international and intersectoral collaboration through secondments of staff members (academic and managerial or technical staff at different level) involving organisations from the academic and/or non-academic sector.
The call is open and the deadline for submitting  proposals is Tuesday, 2 April 2019.
The session will be in English..

  • Date and location: 12 February 2019, 16.30, sala seminari del Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale, Via Sommarive 9 – Povo.
  • Speaker: Irina-Elena Tiron, project officer at the Research Executive Agency-REA (Unit A3)
    The successful experience of a coordinated project (REMIX) will be given by the PI prof. Antonella Motta

​Contacts and registration (by 8 February 2019): collina.research [at]